Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Dit du lyon (Guillaume de Machaut), 430
Diu Crûne (The Crown) (Heinrich von dem Türlin), 306
Divine Comedy (Dante Alighieri), 160, 162, 163, 164–166,
appropriation of Christian salvation, 166
canticle, 164
cantos, 164
central encounter of each book around father fi gure, 165
disabused of false notions, 164
dominated by spiritual brotherhood, 165
ensemble of cross-references and mutual commentary, 165
exile, 165
gods that failed, 164
in hell imposing and memorable characters, 164–165
heroic paideia (ultimate education), 165
humankind’s innate purpose to return to God, 166
impending tragedy, 165
Inferno structure, 164
network of cross references, 164
Paradiso structure, 164
Paradiso transcendent, 165
Purgatorio as canticle of stringent exclusions, 165
Purgatorio has central motif of pilgrimage, 165
Purgatorio structure, 164
recognition, 166
rejection of Virgil, 165
spirit of Virgil, 164
study of individual cantos, 164
tragedy of history, 165
triptych controlling central cantos of each canticle, 165
visit to underworld, 164
Dı ̄wa ̄n (Ibn Zaydu ̄ n), 345
Doctor universalis. See Alain de Lille
Dolcino, Fra, 176
Apostolic Brotherhood, 176
heretic, 176
Domingo de Guzmàn. See Dominic, Saint
Dominic, Saint, 176–178
artistic portrayals, 178
founder of Dominican order, 176
preacher, 176–178
Donation of Constantine, 275, 403
Donation of Ireland, Hadrian IV, Pope, 293
Donation of Pepin
papacy, 512
Stephen II, Pope, 608
Donna me prega (Guido Cavalcanti), 112
Douglas, Gavin, 178–179
churchman, 178–179
courtier, 178–179
Eneados, 178–179
Palice of Honour, 178–179
poet, 178–179
Dreux family, 534
Duccio di Buoninsegna, 179–181, 454
commune of Siena employed, 179
followers, 181
Maestà, 180–181
offenses against commune, 179–180
painter, 179–181

Rucellai Madonna and Child Enthroned, 180
Sienese painting, 179
work attributed, 181
Duchy of Athens, 362
Duelo que fi zo la Virgen (Gonzalo de Berceo), 68
Dufay, Guillaume, 182–183
cleric, 182–183
composer, 182–183
Gilles Binchois, 182, 183
musician, 182–183
Duke of Braganza, 3
Dunbar, William, 183–184
comedy, 184
court career, 183–184
poet, 183–184
Duns Scotus, John, 185
Albert the Great, 185
Collationes, 185
Franciscan, 185
Opus Oxoniense, 185
Opus Parisiense, 185
philosopher, 185
theologian, 185
Tractatus de Primo Principio, 185
Dunstable, John, 186–187, 544
astronomer, 186–187
author, 186–187
composer, 186–187
courtier, 186
mathematician, 186–187
Dunstan of Canterbury, 6, 9, 187
revival of English monasticism, 187
Dürer, Albrecht, 680, 681

Ebner, Christina, 399
mystic, 125
Ebner, Margaretha, 189
author, 189
Dominican, 189
music, 189
Offenbarungen (Revelations), 189
religious, 189
Ecclesiastical court system, 641
Ecclesiastical History (Bede), 101, 329
Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Bede the
Venerable), 60–61, 62, 63
Ecerinis (The Tragedy of Ecerinus) (Albertino Mussato), 14–15
Edgar, King, 9
Edward, the Black prince, 191, 507
Edward I, King of England, 189–190
administration, 190
baronial reform movement, 190
Confi rmation of the Charters, 190
crusades, 189
development of parliament, 189, 190
Francesco d’Accorso, 220–221
legal system reform, 189–190
taxation, 190
against Welsh and against Scotland, 189, 190
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