Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1

Ibn Khaldu ̄ n, 342–343
Al-Muqaddimah, 342–343
courtier, 342–343
historian, 342–343
invention of sociology, 342
Muslim scholar, 342–343
Ibn Quzma ̄ n, 343–344
poetry, 343–344
Ibn Rushd. See Averroès
Ibn Sa’ı ̄d, 344
Al-Mughrib fi H.ula ̄ ‘l-Maghrib, 344
author, 344
historian, 344
leading exponent of Andalusian culture, 344–345
Muslim scholar, 344
poet, 344
travel writer, 344
Ibn Sı ̄na ̄. See Avicenna
Ibn Tufayl, 52
Ibn Zaydu ̄ n, 345, 659
Dı ̄wa ̄n, 345
love poetry, 345
Nu ̄nı ̄ya, 345
poet, 345
Ibn Zuhr, Abu ̄ Marwa ̄ n ‘Abd al-Ma ̄ lik, 346
Kita ̄ b fı ̄ ̄ h, al-anfus wa-l-ajsa ̄ d (On the
Adequate Way to Treat Souls and Bodies), 346
Kita ̄ b al-taysı ̄r fı ̄’ l-muda ̄wa ̄ wa-l-tadbı ̄r (Simplifi cation of
Medical Treatment with Drugs and Diet), 346
philosopher, 346
physician, 346
Age of the Sturlungs, 604
Bragi Boddason, 92–93
Einarr Helgason skálaglamm, 195–196
Sacchetti, Franco, 586–587
Sighvatr Þórðarson, 602–603
Snorri Sturluson, 604–605
Sturla Þórðarson, 611–612
Úlfr Uggason, 637–638
Iconoclasm, Leo III, Byzantine Emperor, 402
Il dittamondo (Fazio degli Uberti), 213
Il Filocolo (Giovanni Boccaccio), 80
Il Filostrato (Giovanni Boccaccio), 80
Il libro delle trecentonovelle (Franco Sacchetti), 242
Il Milione (Marco Polo), 542
Iliad (Homer), 160, 164
Ille et Galeron (Gautier d’Arras), 243, 244
Illumination, 58, 324edit 2142
Brailes, William de, 94
Pucelle, Jean, 548
Traini, Francesco, 628–630
Immanu’el ha-Romî. See Immanuel Romano
Immanuel Romano, 346–347
comic poetry, 346
Dante Alighieri, 346–347
Mekhabbérôth, 346
Immanuele Guideo. See Immanuel Romano
Incarnation, 411
Incendium amoris (Richard Rolle of Hampole), 577

India, Gama, Vasco da, 243
Indiculus luminosus (Paulus Alvarus), 33
Infantes de Aragón, 425
Infantes de la Cerda, 592
Innocent III, Pope, 347–348, 636
active political goals, 347–348
assertion of papal authority, 347
concept of papal power, 348
De miseria humanae conditionis (On the Misery of the
Human Condition), 347
Fourth Lateran Council, 348
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 223–224
Frederick II, 347–348
in French and English politics, 348
internal affairs, 348
law, 347
most powerful of medieval popes, 347
Otto IV, Emperor, 497–498
Stephen Langton, 609
Innocent IV, Pope, 348–349
cardinals’ distinctive red hats, 349
Commentaria in quinque libros decretalium, 349
Council of Lyon, 349
father of law, 349
fl ed to Lyon, 349
Frederick II, 233, 349, 532
struggle between papacy and the empire, 349
temporal political power of papacy, 349
Innocent VII, Pope, Inquisition, 626
Apostolic Brotherhood, 176
Bernard Gui, 69
Conrad of Marburg, 151
history of, 69
Innocent VII, Pope, 626
Peñafort, Ramón de, 511
Torquemada, Tomás de, 626–627
Institutes (John Cassian), 107
Instrucciones Antiguas (Tomás de Torquemada), 626
Instrument maker, Landini, Francesco, 398
Intellect, 16
Intention, 2
International Gothic style, 408
Introductiones Latinae (Elio Antonio de Nebrija),
Investiture controversy, 37
Gregory VII, Pope, 273
Henry I, King of England, 313
Henry IV, King of Germany, 504
Henry V, King of Germany, 504
Lothar III, 420
Paschal II, Pope, 504
Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France, 349–350
accusation of adultery, 350
adept at politics, 350
Charles VI, King of France, 350
independence of monarchy, 350
John the Fearless of Burgundy, 350
Louis of Orléans, 350
Treaty of Troyes, 350
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