Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Juan II, King of Castile, 643
Luna, Alvaro de, 424–425
Juan Manuel, 383–384
author, 383–384
Libro de las armas, 384
Libro de los estados, 383
Libro del cavallero et del escudero, 383
political life, 383
Juan Sánchez de Sevilla, 3
Judith, Empress, 385
Charles the Bald, 385
civil war, 385
cultural patronage, 385
Frankish politics, 385
Louis the Pious, 422–423
rebellion of Lothar, 385
rival heir, Charles, 385
victory over Lothar, 385
Jugement du roy de Navarre (Guillaume de Machaut), 430
Julian of Norwich, 385–387
author, 385–387
fi rst known woman author in English literature, 385–387
mystic, 385–387
Showings, or Revelations of Divine Love, 385–387
theologian, 385–387
Julian of Toledo, 387–388
historian, 387–388
On the Proof of the Sixth Age, 388
theologian, 387–388
Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 388–389
building program, 388
Gothic wars, 388–389
lasting impact on Italy, 389
law, 388–389
Nika riots, 388
penetration of Balkans by Avars and Slavs, 389
quest to restore unity of Roman world, 388–389
religious coercion, 389
Theodora, 388
Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, 620
war with Persia, 388, 389

Karl der Große (der Stricker), 610–611
Kempe, Margery, 385, 386, 391–392
author of fi rst autobiography in English, 391
Book of Margery Kempe, 391–392
her version of imitating Christ, 392
Julian of Norwich, 391
mystic, 391–392
pilgrimage, 391–392
Kingship, patrimonial concept, 591
Kita ̄ b al-fi sal fı ̄’l-milal (Decision Among Religions)
(Ibn H.azm), 341–342
Kita ̄ b fı ̄ ̄ h, al-anfus wa-l-ajsa ̄ d (On the Adequate
Way to Treat Souls and Bodies) (Ibn Zuhr, Abu ̄ Marwa ̄n
‘Abd al-Ma ̄ lik), 346
Kita ̄ b al-taysı ̄r fı ̄’ l-muda ̄wa ̄ wa-l-tadbı ̄r (Simplifi cation of
Medical Treatment with Drugs and Diet) (Ibn Zuhr,
Abu ̄ Marwa ̄ n ‘Abd al-Ma ̄ lik), 346

Knights Hospitalers, 174
Knights of Saint Mary, Guittone D’Arezzo, 284
Knights Templar, 70, 174
Clement V, Pope, 143
Philip IV the Fair, King of France, 527
suppressed, 143
Koerbecke, Johann, 392–393
Marienfeld Altarpiece, 392–393
Netherlandish art, 392
painter, 392–393
Konrad von Würzburg, 92, 393–394
author, 393–394
Meistersinger, 393–394
Trojanerkrieg, 394
Konrad von Winterstetten, 640
Kormákr Qgmumdarson, 395
Kormáks saga, 395
poet, 395
Kormáks saga (Kormákr Qgmumdarson), 395
Kublai Khan, Polo, Marco, 543
Kürenberc, Der von, 396
earliest named German lyric poet, 396
Minnesanger, 396
poet, 396

La coronación del marqués de Santillana (Juan de Mena), 468
La practica della mercatura (Francesco di Balduccio
Pegolotti), 509–510
La Vigne, André de, 397
historian, 397
playwright, 397
poet, 397
Voyage de Naples, 397
La3amon, 400–401
Brut, 400
poet, 400–401
Lais (François Villon), 652–653
Lais (Marie de France), 449, 450–451
Lamentation (Rogier van der Weyden), 644
Landini, Francesco, 398, 503
composer, 398
instrument maker, 398
organist, 398
poet, 398
singer, 398
Lanfranc of Bec, 398–399, 670, 671
law, 398–399
leadership of school at Bec, 399
teacher, 398–399
theologian, 398–399
Langeisen, Christoph, 617
Langmann, Adelheid, 399
author, 399
Dominican, 394
mystic, 399
Latin Asclepius, 627
Lauda, nonliturgical song of praise in vernacular ballad form,
Laufenberg, Heinrich, 399–400
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