Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Siete Partidas (Alfonso X, El Sabio, King of Castile and
León), 26
Siger of Brabant, 86, 601–602
Aquinas, Thomas, 602
Aristotelianism, 601–602
relationship of philosophy, theology, and faith, 601
scholastic philosopher, 601–602
theory of human intellect, 601–602
Sighvatr Þórðarson, 602–603
poet, 602–603
political activities, 602
skald, 602–603
Sigismund, King of the Romans, antipope, 22
Signorial government, 648
Silk Road, 509, 542
Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester, 287–288, 360, 603–604
development of medieval parliament, 604
Henry III, King of England, 603
including representatives of towns and counties in
parliament, 603–604
Simony, 90, 240, 247, 274, 317
Siward of Northumbria, 192
Bjarni Kolbeinsson, 77–78
Bragi Boddason, 92–93
Einarr Helgason skálaglamm, 195–196
Einarr Skúlason, 196–197
Eyvindr Finnsson skáldaspillir, 208–210
Sighvatr Þórðarson, 602–603
Sturla Þórðarson, 611–612
Ulfr Uggason, 637–638
Sluter, Claus, 604
sculptor, 604
Snorri Sturluson, 196, 197, 604–605, 611–612, 637–638
courted Scandinavian rulers, 605
Heirnskringla, 605
ideal of peace, 605
man of letters, 605
Oddaverjar, 604–605
Oláfs saga helga, 605
political activities, 604–605
Prose Edda, 605
Social class, Ludus scaccorum (Jacopo de Cessolis), 356
Social empowerment, 13
Social realism, 326
Sod ha-’ibbur (The Secret of Intercalation) (Abraham bar
H.iyya), 3
Soliloquies (Alfred the Great), 28–29, 30
Solomon b. Isaac. See “Rashi” (Solomon b. Isaac)
Solomon ibn Adret. See Ibn Adret, Solomon
Sonetos fechos al itálico modo (Iñigo López de Mendoza), 415
Franco-Germany, cultural integration, 50–51
Jews, expulsion in 1492, 626
Reconquest, 360–361
Renaissance culture, 23
Spanish College at University of Bologna, 17–18
Speculum Iudiciale (William Durandus), 668
Speculum maius (Vincent de Beauvais), 655
Speculum (Marguerite d’Oingt), 448

Spiegel Historiael (Jacob van Maerlant), 354
Spinello Aretino, 605–606
altarpieces, 606
fresco cycles, 606
painter, 605–606
Spiritual Espousals (Jan van Ruusbroec), 364–365
Squarcialupi Codex, Paolo da Firenze, 503
St. Andrews University, 183
St. Denis, 1
Stagel, Elsbeth, 598
Stainreuter, Leopold, 607
Chronik, 607
Historia tripartita, 607
historian, 607
translated Latin writings into vernacular, 607
Wiener Schule (Viennese School), 607
Stephen, King of England, 313
Stephen II, Pope, 608
Charlemagne, 118
decline of Byzantium, 608
Donation of Pepin, 608
Frankish expeditions, 608
independent papal state, 608
Lombard aggression, 608
papal state boundaries, 608
Pepin III the Short, 512, 608
Stephen Langton, 608–609
biblical commentary, 608–609
Innocent III, Pope, 609
Magna Carta, 609
political activities, 609
preacher, 608–609
Stephen of Blois, 458
Stilus geminus, 21
Stimulus amoris (Prick of Love) (Jacopo da Milano), 355
Stoss, Veit, 609–610
Angelic Salutation, 610
painter, 610
sculptor, 609–610
Stricker, der, 610–611
Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal, 610–611
Karl der Große, 610–611
poet, 610–611
Studium generale, 15
Sturla Pórðarson, 611–612
exile to Norway, 612
historian, 611–612
law, 611, 612
literary works, 611, 612
poet, 611–612
skald, 611–612
uncle Snorri, 611–612
Sturlunga saga, 604
Sturlungar clan, 604, 612
Suchenwirt, Peter, 612–613
Ehrenreden, 613
German herald, 612–613
poet, 612–613
Sufi poetry, 600–601
Suger, Abbot of Saint-Denis, 613–614
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