Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Thyestes (Albertino Mussato), 15
Titurel (Wolfram von Eschenbach), 676, 679
“To King Henry IV, In Praise of Peace” (John Gower), 267
To n (Walther von der Vogelweide), 661–662
Torquemada, Tomás de, 626–627
confessor of Queen Isabel and King Fernando, 626–627
expulsion of Jews, 626
Inquisition, 626–627
Instrucciones Antiguas, 626
Torre, Alfonso de la, 627
theologian, 627
Visión deleytable, 627
Tosafot ha-Rosh (Asher B. Yeh.iel), 50, 51
Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo, 627–628
Columbus, Christopher, 628
cosmographer, 627–628
scientist, 627–628
writings, 628
Tractatus de Primo Principio (John Duns Scotus), 185
Traini, Francesco, 628–630
Dante’s Inferno, 629
fresco painter in the Camposanto of Pisa, 629
illuminator, 628–630
painter, 628–630
Saint Dominic Altarpiece, 628, 629
Transubstantiation, 7
denial, 683
Trastámara, 203
Treasury of merits, 337
Treatise of the Garden on Metaphorical and Literal Language
(Moses Ibn Ezra), 341
Treatise on the Astrolabe (Geoffrey Chaucer), 134
Treaty of Badajoz, 10
Treaty of Constance, 47
Treaty of Messina, 565
Treaty of Troyes
Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France, 350
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 530
Trecento composer, Paolo da Firenze, 503
Tree of the Crucifi ed Life of Jesus (Ubertino da Casale),
Trevisa, John, 630
translator of informational works, 630
Wycliffi te Bible, 630
Trinitarian theology, 90, 372–374, 411
Tristan (Béroul), 73
Tristan continuation (Ulrich von Türheim), 640
Tristan (Gottfried von Strassburg), 261–263
Tristan legend, 135, 261–263
primitive or common version, 73–74
versions, 194–195
Tristan (Thomas d’Angleterre), 623–624
Tristrant (Eilhart von Oberg), 74, 194–195
Triumph of Death (Francesco Petrarca), 521
Triunfo (Juan de Flores), 218
Troilus and Criseyde (Geoffrey Chaucer), 80, 132–133
Trojanerkrieg (Konrad von Würzburg), 394
Trotula of Salerno, 631
medicine, 631
Practica (Practice of Medicine), 631

Troubadour poetry, 72, 135–138, 280–281, 366, 443, 509, 510,
Catalan, 554
sources, 280
subjects, 280
Trouvère compositions, 4–5, 135–138, 370–371, 564
Troy Book (John Lydgate), 425
Ghibellines, 324
Guelfs, 324
Trecento sculpture, 535–536
Two Cities (Otto of Freising), 499

Ubertino da Casale, 36, 633–635
Benedictine, 634, 635
Church reformer, 633–635
as diplomat, 634
Franciscan, 633–635
John XXII, Pope, 634
polemical works, 633–635
poverty, 633, 634–635
preacher, 633
Reducendo igitur ad brevitatem, 634–635
Tree of the Crucifi ed Life of Jesus, 633–635
Uccello, Paolo, Hawkwood, Sir John, 304
Uffi zi Madonna and Child (Pietro Lorenzetti), 417
Uguccione da Pisa, 636–637
Agiographia, 636
author, 636–637
Bishop of Ferrara, 636
De dubio accentu, 636
Derivationes, 636
Expositio de symbolo apostolorum, 637
Rosarium, 636
Summa decretorum, 636–637
Úlfr Uggason, 637–638
Húsdrápa (“House-lay”), 637–638
poet, 637–638
skald, 637–638
Ulfsdotter, Merethe, 447
Ulrich von Etzenbach, 638–639
Alexander, 638–639
author, 638–639
Bohemian court in Prague, 638
Herzog Ernst, 638, 639
Wilhelm von Wenden, 638, 639
Ulrich von Liechtenstein, 639–640
Frauenbuch, 640
Frauendienst (Service of Ladies), 639–640
Leich, 640
minnesinger, 639–640
political minister in Austria, 639
Ulrich von Türheim, 640–641
poet, 640–641
Rennewart, 640–641
Tristan continuation, 640
Unam sanctam (Pope Boniface VIII), 91
Union of Kalmar, Margrethe I, Queen of Norway, Sweden, and
Denmark, 447
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