Key Figures in Medieval Europe. An Encyclopedia

(sharon) #1


Vita Beatricis, 57–58
Vita Caroli (Einhard), 197
Vita Christinae Stumbelensis (Petrus de Dacia), 524
Vita Eulogii (Paulus Alvarus), 33
Vita nuova (New Life) (Dante Alighieri), 161, 163
Vita prima (Thomas of Celano), 625
Vita secunda (Thomas of Celano), 625
Volmar of Disibodenberg, 330
Vom Priesterleben (On the Life of Priests) (Heinrich von
Melk), 306–307
Von des todes gehugde (On the Remembrance of Death)
(Heinrich von Melk), 306–307
Vox Clamantis (John Gower), 266
Voyage de Naples (André de La Vigne), 397
Voyages d’ outre-mer (Jean de Mandeville), 439

Wace, 67, 400–401, 657–658
adapter of Latin works on popular topics, 657
Conception Nostre Dame, 657
historian, 657–658
history of Britain, 657–658
history of Normandy, 658
poet, 657–658
Roman de Brut, 657–658
Roman de Rou, 658
Walafrid Strabo, 658–659
Carolingian scholar and poet, 658–659
poet, 658–659
Walla ̄ dah bint al-Mustafki, 345, 659
poet, 659
Walter de Brienne, 649
Walter of Châtillon, 639, 659–660
Alexandreis, 659
poet, 659–660
Walther von der Vogelweide, 308, 625, 660–663
composer, 660–663
at Hohenstaufen courts, 660–663
minnesinger, 559, 560, 660–663
nidere minne, 660, 661
praise of German culture, 661
Reinmar der Alte, 560
Reinmar feud, 661
Sangspruch, 660, 661–662
singer, 660–663
songs of political propaganda, 661–662
Ton, 661–662
at Viennese court, 662
Wars of the Lord (Levi ben Gershom), 407
Wars of the Roses, Malory, Thomas, 436
Weckmann, Nikolaus, 617
Welf family, 232
Roncaglia decrees, 229, 230
Wenceslas IV, 126, 663–664
Czech nation, 664
deposition, 664
elected king of the Romans, 663
German throne, 664
Hussite revolution, 664
political autonomy of cities, 663

problems in Bohemia, 663
Richard II of England, 663
Werner der Gärtner, 665
author, 665
Helmbrecht, 665
poet, 665
West Saxon Gospels, 8
White Guelfs, 91, 149, 162
Wiener Schule (Viennese School)
Augustinianism, 607
Stainreuter, Leopold, 607
Wigalois (Wirnt von Grafenberg), 674
Wilars Dehonecort. See Villard de Honnecourt
Wilhelm von Österreich (Johann von Würzburg), 376–377
Wilhelm von Wenden (Ulrich von Etzenbach), 638, 639
Wiligelmus, 666–667
cathedral in Cremona, 666–667
cathedral of Modena, 666
fi rst great Italian sculptor, 666
Roman sculpture inspiration, 666
sculptor, 666–667
workshop, 667
Willehalm (Wolfram von Eschenbach), 676, 678–679
Willem of Hildegaersberch, 667–668
author, 667–668
Middle Dutch literature, 666
poet, 667–668
sproken, 666–667
William Durandus, 668–669
Aureum repertorium, 668
author, 668–669
Bishop of Mende, 668
law, 668–669
papacy’s war effort, 668–669
papal curia, 668–669
in Romagna, 668
In sacrosanctum Lugdunese concilium commentarius, 668
Speculum Iudiciale, 668
William I of Sicily
Aristippus, Henry, 45
Hadrian IV, Pope, 293
William I the Conqueror, 296, 658, 669–671
absentee ruler, 670
acquisition of Maine, 670
crowned, 670
Domesday Book, 671
Duke of Normandy, 669
English rebellion, 670
English succession, 670
Harold Godwinson, King of England, 298
harsh government, 670, 671
invasion of England, 670
partnership with Norman nobles, 671
replacement of English landowners by Frenchmen, 670
revolt in Normandy, 669–670
William II Rufus, King of England, 312
Anselm of Bec
clashed over church property, 38
exiled by King, 38
right of investiture, 38
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