A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

List of Illustrations

  1. Silver scroll c. 600 BCE found in a burial chamber at Ketef
    Hinnom, Jerusalem. (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem/Bridgeman

  2. Interior of head tefillin capsule of the first century CE, probably
    from Qumran. (BibleLandPictures.com/Alamy)

  3. Scroll of the book of Isaiah, c. 125 BCE, discovered in Qumran.

  4. Warning inscription from the balustrade in the Temple. (Istanbul
    Museum of Archaeology/Holy Land Photos)

  5. The Temple Mount, Jerusalem. (Robert Harding/Alamy)

  6. The Western Wall, Jerusalem. (Lucas Vallecillos/Alamy)

  7. The façade of the Jerusalem Temple depicted on a tetradrachm
    minted by Jewish rebels in Judaea, 132 CE. (Eddie Gerald/Alamy)

  8. Carved stone block from Migdal in Galilee depicting a menorah.

  9. Masada. (Nathan Benn/Alamy)

  10. Part of the book of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus) found at Masada. (©
    Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority, the Leon Levy Dead
    Sea Scrolls Digital Library)

  11. Qumran. (Novarc Images/Alamy)

  12. The Great Psalms Scroll, first half of the first century CE, found at
    Qumran. (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel/Bridgeman

  13. Stone vessels from Jerusalem in the late Second Temple period.
    (Zev Radovan/Bridgeman Images)

  14. Mikveh, first century CE, at Qumran. (Pascal Deloche/Getty

  15. Glass vessel depicting a Torah ark and a menorah, from Rome,
    fourth century CE. (The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel/
    Bridgeman Images)

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