A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Halakhic fl oor mosaic from the sixth-century synagogue at Rehov, near the border of the
    land of Israel as defi ned by the rabbis. The inscription, which deals with the implementation of
    the sabbatical year in the area around Rehov, is the oldest-surviving written version of a
    rabbinic text.

  2. Floor mosaic, dated to the sixth century,
    from a synagogue in Gaza. The portrayal of
    the fi gure playing the lyre follows standard
    iconography in the depiction of Orpheus
    but the Hebrew inscription here identifi es him
    as David.
    19. Bronze magic bowl from Babylonia
    (fi fth–sixth century ce). Such bowls, with
    the interior covered in protective spells,
    were placed upside down at entrances to
    trap demons and prevent them from
    entering the home.

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