A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. (right) Illustration of the
    Pesach Seder from the
    Sarajevo Haggadah, a
    magnifi cently illuminated
    manuscript dated to the
    mid-fourteenth century.

  2. (below) Text of b. Meilah
    20a-21a in the Baylonian
    Talmud printed by Daniel
    Bomberg in Venice in 1519.
    The central panels, in which
    the Mishnah is followed by
    the gemara (the amoraic
    discussion), are surrounded
    by medieval commentaries in
    a less formal (‘Rashi’) script.
    This format, established by
    Bomberg, has remained
    standard in later printings of
    the Talmud.

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