A History of Judaism - Martin Goodman

(Jacob Rumans) #1

586 index

Conservative Judaism – cont.
Reconstructionism 494–6, 517, 520
Union for Traditional (Conserv-
ative) Judaism 494, 496
Constantine I 229, 256, 296, 451–2
230, 233, 291, 309, 310, 363,
373, 374
Ottoman capture (1453) 360
printing press 362
Romaniot Jews 300
and Sabbatai Zevi 399, 401–3
Talmud study in 385
conversion see also proselytes
Christian influence on Judaism
through conversos 371
to Christianity 192, 233, 236, 237,
299, 340, 530; Constantine
229, 451–2; Frankists 424;
German Jews 446, 472; Saul of
Tarsus 191
forcible: under Abbas I 374; under
Byzantine rulers 233; under
Hasmonaean dynasty 98; under
Heraclius 231; in Minorca
236; under Sisebut 236; in
Spain during fifteenth century
237, 340
to Islam 232, 236, 374, 403
to Judaism xxv, 98, 102, 111–12,
310, 455; Idumaeans 98; and
marriage 455, 530–31;
orthodox/Reform problems
480; Paul and question of
Christian gentiles converting to
Judaism 194–5
Cordoba 236, 271, 325, 331–2
academy 314, 317
Mezquita 332, 341
Cordovero, Moshe ben Yaakov 391,
393, 395
cosmopolitanism 442
Cossacks 364
Council of the Four Lands 374, 410,
413, 421

Counter-Reformation, Catholic 361,
covenant xxviii, 38, 74–5, 76, 280
with Abraham 81, 83, 175
ark of the covenant 31, 51
and circumcision 81–2 see also
with David 41
and divine judgement 75, 241–2
and ethics 37
grace and restoration 242
and martyrdom 220–21
with Moses xxi, 34
with Noah 85
promises 75
Qumran community’s notion of a
new covenant 151
with Solomon 41
Cracow 381, 385, 500, 503
cremation 450
Cremona 394
Crescas, Hasdai ben Abraham
Crimea 309
Cromwell, Oliver 363, 371
Crusades/Crusaders 230, 232, 237–8,
309, 319, 336, 343, 384
Albigensian 344
Culi, Yaakov 377
cuneiform tablets 28
Curaçao 371, 372
Cuthaeans/Cuthim 12, 13, 59–60
Cyprus 232
Cyrene 21
Cyrus 12, 13, 20, 23, 27, 44

Dabburra 269
Dagon 255
Dan (tribe) 11, 325
Dan, northern Israel 11, 43, 57
Daniel (prophet) 12–13, 211, 212,
biblical book of see Daniel, book
Daniel ben Azariah 272
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