
(bbancia) #1

the second term in [2.95] is simplified to! 1 (IxcosþIysin). The third
term in [2.95] is simplified to !rfIz because an operator commutes
with an exponential operator of itself. The effective Hamiltonian can be
written as

He¼! 0 Izþ! 1 ðIxcosþIysinÞ!rfIz
¼ð! 0 !rfÞIzþ! 1 ðIxcosþIysinÞ
¼ Izþ! 1 ðIxcosþIysinÞ: ½ 2 : 97 Š

This is now atime-independenteffective Hamiltonian and the solution
in the form of [2.67] describes evolution of the density operator in the
rotating frame. Note the strong similarity between [2.97] and [1.18].
For completeness, the isotropic chemical shift Hamiltonian is given by

H¼! 0 Iz, ½ 2 : 98 Š

in whichis the isotropic shielding constant [1.48], rather than the
density operator, and can be incorporated into the definition of
¼! 0 (1)!rf.
If ¼0 and ¼0, then the Hamiltonian for an on-resonance
x-pulse becomes

He¼! 1 Ix ½ 2 : 99 Š

and, as follows from [2.67],

ðpÞ¼expðiHepÞð 0 ÞexpðiHepÞ
¼expði! 1 IxpÞð 0 Þexpði! 1 IxpÞ: ½ 2 : 100 Š

For simplicity, the superscript has been omitted from the rotating frame
density operator; in general, context is sufficient to establish whether a

Rotation Properties of Angular Momentum Operators

u,va xyz

xIx Ixcos–Izsin IxcosþIysin
yIycosþIzsin Iy Iycos–Ixsin
zIzcos–Iysin IzcosþIxsin Iz

aThe table entries (u,v) are the results of the unitary transformation exp(–iIv)Iuexp(iIv).


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