
(bbancia) #1

Tis known as the inversion operator and has the effect of changing the
spin quantum number fromþ1/2 to1/2 andvice versa. This leads to

Rx^1 ð Þ¼Ecosð= 2 ÞþiTsinð= 2 Þ: ½ 2 : 111 Š

By similar reasoning,

Rxð Þ¼Ecosð= 2 ÞiTsinð= 2 Þ: ½ 2 : 112 Š

The rotation matrix corresponding to a pulse of flip angle, , applied
along thex-axis can now be calculated. The elements of the matrix
representations of the pulse rotation operatorsRx^1 ð Þ andRx( ) are
constructed from the basis eigenfunctions using the expressions

½Rx^1 ð ފrs¼hjfr Ecosð= 2 ÞþiTsinð= 2 Þgjis,
½Rxð ފrs¼hjfr Ecosð = 2 ÞiTsinð = 2 Þgjis:

½ 2 : 113 Š

For example, ifh 1 j¼h jandj 2 i¼j i, then matrix element½Rx^1 ð ފ 12 is

½Rx^1 ð ފ 12 ¼hjf Ecosð= 2 ÞþiTsinð= 2 Þg

¼isinð = 2 Þ: ½ 2 : 114 Š
The matrix representations of the pulse operators are
Rx^1 ð Þ¼ is ccis

and Rxð Þ¼ cis cis

, ½ 2 : 115 Š
wherec¼cos( /2) ands¼sin( /2).
Similar analysis for a pulse with y-phase (¼/2) generates a
rotation matrix of the form
Ry^1 ð Þ¼ cs

and Ryð Þ¼ c s

: ½ 2 : 116 Š
Finally a rotation about thez-axis (which in practice is difficult to
achieve experimentally with rf pulses) has the matrix representation
Rz^1 ð Þ¼
cþis 0
0 cis

and Rzð Þ¼
cis 0
0 cþis

½ 2 : 117 Š
The rotation induced by the general Hamiltonian given by [2.97],
which includes off-resonance effects and arbitrary pulse phases, can be
written as
Rð ,Þ¼expði nIÞ¼Ecosð = 2 Þi 2 nIsinð = 2 Þ, ½ 2 : 118 Š

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