Burnt by the Sun. The Koreans of the Russian Far East - Jon K. Chang

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Index 271

Opium (cultivation, use and sale in
Russia/USSR), 41, 55, 57–59, 96,
202n.3, 209nn.47–49, 209n.51,
213n.34, 213n.36
Opium War, 10, 22
Oral history/fieldwork, 6, 7 , 53, 120–126,
180 –183, 226n.53, 241nn.11–12,
242n.14, 253–254

Pak, B.D., 55 (table 4), 212n.14, 212n.18,
215nn.82–83, 218n.14, 218n.25,
220n.56, 223n.123, 224n.5, 243n.8
Pak, Chin Sun, 31, 41, 45, 159 ,
Pak, Maria, 58, 60
Pak, Nikolai (Kolkhoz Uzbekistan), 60,
183 –185
Pak, Nikolai (teacher at KPI, also known
as Pak Yongbin), 115–118
Pak, Nikolai Vasilevich, 60, 184, 185
Pak, Ok In, 124
Pak, Pyotr, 72, 156, 169, 234n.30, 254
Pak, Stanislav, 187, 245n.41
Pak Ae/Ai, 45, 105
Pan-Slavs, 16–19, 30 –32
Park, Hyun Ok, 219n.48
Partisans (Koreans): Irkutsk faction,
44 –45, 91–92, 97, 110, 209n.54;
Shanghai-Chita faction, 44 , 92,
209nn.54–55 , 209n.58
Pesotskii, V.D., 9, 18, 23
Pioneers (ages 10–15), 53, 74, 95–96, 148,
150 , 249
PMO (Polish Military Organization),
134 , 152, 220n.52, 233n.7
Pohl, J. Otto, 241n.8
Poles, 145, 147, 150, 152–155, 164–165,
170 , 174–175, 186–188, 229n.84,
233n.6; Intermarriage (with Koreans),
170 ; (as) Kulaks during Collectivization,
27, 127–128, 132, 134; Repression of,
227 ; Russia’s “Internal Enemies/Enemy
Aliens” (WWI), 9, 16–17 25–29, 34
Politotdel (a kolkhoz in Uzbekistan), 115,
120 , 167
Politotdel (the OGPU/NKVD units
which guarded MTS stations), 3, 4,

Portelli, Alessandro (oral history),
226n.53, 242n.11, 242n.14
Powell, J.B. (American journalist), 138,
141 , 197– 198 , 230n.123
Pravda, 6 , 86, 128, 133, 14 4, 148–150,
153 , 166, 234n.13
Primordialism (attitudes especially
towards Chinese and Koreans), 33, 107,
174 , 187, 205n.72, 222n.95, 228n.61,
39n.123, 239n.125, 239n.127, 240n.133,
247 , 249
Primore (map), 7
Pshenitsyn, Konstantin, 93, 219n.39
Purges (chistki) of the CP, 23, 109–112,
119 , 130, 143, 14 4, 152, 190, 194
Purges in the OKDVA, 135–136, 138

Quotas/Restrictions: against Asians, 13,
15, 16, 19, 20–24; against Jews, 17

Rabkrin Report (on Koreans and Japanese
empire), 87–88, 90, 110–111, 147
Racism, 27, 194, 205n.72, 211n.1,
245n.35, 247 ; difficulty to discuss Soviet
racial discrimination, 194, 231n.129,
Russian Far East, chapters 1–6
(throughout). See also map of the
Primore, 7
Russians: as inherently the “most loyal
nationality” (debunked), 189–192; as
primus inter pares, 67, 214n.63; as
USSR’s greatest nationality, 189, 193
(figure 17)

Sakhalin concessions (North). See
Sergei Kan, 107
Seventeenth Congress CPSU, 2
Shin, Dmitrii, 223n.123
Shirokogoroff, Sergei, 27
Shternberg, Lev, 107, 223n.116
Sikorskii, Radek, 191
Sino-Soviet War (1929), 108–109
Skoropadsky, Pavlo, 189
Slavophils, 16–19, 30–32
Soviet nationalities policies, weaknesses,
3, 33, 49, 55, 102, 150, 165–166
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