Honored by the Glory of Islam. Conversion and Conquest in Ottoman Europe

(Dana P.) #1
61. Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 1 34.

  1. Naima, Tarih-i Naima, 5:282.

  2. Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 1 84, 1 87, 2 1 4, 2 1 5, 1 84.

  3. Ibid., 2 1 3, 224, 2 1 3.

  4. Ibid., 2 1 6.

  5. Topkapı Palace Museum Archive, Tahriratlar (Dispatches) E. 3890.

  6. Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 222; Naima, Tarih-i Naima, 6:34 1.

  7. Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 2 1 3.

  8. Şevket Pamuk, “The Disintegration of the Ottoman Monetary System during
    the Seventeenth Century,” Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies 2 ( 1 993): 67–8 1.

  9. Şevket Pamuk, “In the Absence of Domestic Currency: Debased European
    Coinage in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Empire,” Journal of Economic History 57,
    no. 2 (June 1 997): 345–66.

  10. Such as Ardahan in northeastern Anatolia in 1 653. Topkapı Palace Museum
    Archive, Tahriratlar E. 1 0267.

  11. Jane Hathaway, The Politics of Households in Ottoman Egypt: The Rise of the
    Qazdağlıs (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1 997), 1 4.

  12. William Griswold, The Great Anatolian Rebellion, 1000–1020/1591–1611, Islam-
    kundliche Untersuchungen Bd. 83 (Freiburg: K. Schwarz Verlag, 1 983); Mustafa Akdağ,
    Celâlî İsyanları, 1550–1603 (Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1 963).

  13. Sir Paul Rycaut, The Present State of the Ottoman Empire (London: Printed for

Tho. Basset, 1 687), 82; Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 11 5, 1 79.

  1. Mehmed Halife, Tarih-i Gilmani, fol. 29a.

  2. Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 33.

  3. Ibid., 52; Ahmed Dede, Jami’ al-Duwal, fol. 773b.

  4. The Ottoman budget revealed debits of 687 million aspers and credits of 532
    million aspers. Mantran, Istanbul, 252.

  5. Katip Çelebi, Fezleke, 2:297–98, 304, 305.

  6. Ibid., 3 1 4, 3 1 5.

  7. Naima, Tarih-i Naima, 4:255.

  8. Ibid., 4:44 1.

  9. Ibid., 4:26 1 –62.

  10. Katip Çelebi, Fezleke, 2:3 1 9.

  11. Naima, Tarih-i Naima, 4:265; Ahmed Dede, Jami’ al-Duwal, fol. 773a.

  12. Naima, Tarih-i Naima, 5:22.

  13. Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 44, 1 42.

  14. Ibid., 62, 63, 1 59. In 1 655 forces of the governor-general of Buda, besieging

an enemy citadel, thinking that fi res lit by shepherds were the signs of an enemy camp,
fl ed their positions, causing confusion in the ranks, and then suffered great losses
when the actual enemy fi red on them. Topkapı Palace Museum Archive, Tahriratlar E.

  1. Karaçelebizade, Ravzatü’l-ebrâr zeyli, 64.

  2. Ersin Gülsoy, Girit’in Fethi ve Osmanlı İdaresinin Kurulması, 1645–1670 (Istan-
    bul: Tarih ve Tabiat Vakfı, 2004), 1 26.

268 notes to pages 50–55
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