The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 9–11 

Hayatı ve eserleri (Ankara: Kadıogˇlu Matbaası, 1988 ); Michel Balivet, Byzantins et
Ottomans: Relations, interaction, succession (Istanbul: Isis, 1999 ), 227.
43. Gershom Scholem, “The Crypto-Jewish Sect of the Dönmeh (Sabbatians)
in Turkey,” in id., The Messianic Idea in Judaism and Other Essays on Jewish Spiri-
tuality (New York: Schocken Books, 1971 ), 151. Hasluck says the Bektaşi lodge
in Salonika was on the western outskirts of the city. F. W. Hasluck, Christianity
and Islam Under the Sultans, ed. Margaret Hasluck (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1929 ; repr., New York: Octagon Books, 1973 ), 2 : 525.
44. Kee, “From the Jesus Movement Toward Institutional Church.”
45. Robert Hefner, “Introduction: World Building and the Rationality of
Conversion,” in Conversion to Christianity: Historical and Anthropological Per-
spectives on a Great Transformation, ed. id. (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1993 ), 17.
46. Yıldız Sertel, Annem: Sabiha Sertel kimdi neler yazdı (Istanbul: Yapı Kredi
Yayınları, 1993 ), 24.
47. Nahum Slousch, “Les Deunmeh: Une secte judéo-musulmane de Salo-
nique,” Revue du monde musulman 6 ( 1908 ): 494.
48. [Ahmet Emin Yalman], “Tarihin esrarengiz bir sahifesi,” Vatan, Janu-
ary 19 , 1924 , 1 ; Galanté, Nouveaux documents sur Sabbetaï Sevi, 60 ; Scholem,
“Crypto-Jewish Community,” 155.
49. Galanté, Nouveaux documents sur Sabbetaï Sevi, 60.
50. For the important role women played in other secret convert societies,
see Hilda Nissimi, The Crypto-Jewish Mashhadis: The Shaping of Religious and
Communal Identity in Their Journey from Iran to New York (Portland, UK: Sussex
Academic Press, 2007 ), 44 – 51 ; and Mary Elizabeth Perry, The Handless Maiden:
Moriscos and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Spain (Princeton: Prince-
ton University Press, 2005 ), 65 – 87. Mashhadi and Morisca women had an even
larger role to play in leadership of the community and transmission of the reli-
gion than Dönme women.
51. Scholem, “Crypto-Jewish Community,” 152.
52. She was used as a decoy and a sentry, not unlike in Mashhadi society. See
Nissimi, Crypto-Jewish Mashhadis, 45 – 46.
53. Wladimer Gordlevsky, “Zur Frage über die ‘Dönme’ (Die Rolle der Juden
in den Religionssekten Vorderasiens),” Islamica 2 ( 1926 ): 215.
54. Slousch, “Deunmeh,” 493.
55. J. G. von Hahn, “Über die Bevölkerung von Salonic und die dörtige
Secte der Deunme,” in id., Reise durch der Gebiete des Drin und Wardar, im
Aufträge der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften unternommen im Jahre
1863 (Vienna, 1869 ), 154 – 55 , cited in Şişman, “A Jewish Messiah in the Otto-
man Court,” 365.
56. Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi [The Prime Minister’s Ottoman Archives

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