The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1

 Notes to Pages 84–87

  1. Galanté, Nouveaux documents sur Sabbetaï Sevi, 76. The quotations that
    follow in the text are also from this source.

  2. On the new class of bureaucrats and centralization, see İlber Ortaylı,
    İmparatorlugˇun en uzun yüzyıl, 3 rd ed. ( 1983 ; repr., Istanbul: Hil Yayın, 1995 ),
    77 – 150.

  3. Hanssen, Fin de siècle Beirut, 43.

  4. Mazower, Salonica, City of Ghosts, 225.

  5. Anastassiadou, Salonique, 356 – 59.

  6. Hanssen, Fin de siècle Beirut, 115 – 16.

  7. Kemal Karpat, The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State,
    Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State (New York: Oxford University
    Press, 2001 ).

  8. Anastassiadou, Salonique, 3 , 12.

  9. On Izmir’s new municipality, see Vangelis Kechriotis, “Protecting the
    City’s Interest: The Greek-Orthodox and the Conflict Between Municipal and
    Vilayet Authorities in Izmir in the Second Constitutional Period” (paper pre-
    sented at the Eighth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, Flor-
    ence and Montecatini Terme, March 21 – 25 , 2007 , organized by the Mediter-
    ranean Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the
    European University Institute).

  10. Hanssen, Fin de siècle Beirut, 139 , 145 – 49.

  11. See Halil Sahilliogˇlu, “Yeniçeri çuhası ve II. Bayezid’in son yıllarında
    Yeniçeri çuha muhasebesi,” Güney-Dogˇu Avrupa araştırmaları dergisi 2 – 3 ( 1973 –
    74 ): 415 – 66 ; Benjamin Braude, “International Competition and Domestic Cloth
    in the Ottoman Empire, 1500 – 1650 : A Study in Undevelopment,” Review of the
    Fernand Braudel Center 2 ( 1979 ): 437 – 51 ; Bruce McGowan, Economic Life in Ot-
    toman Europe, Taxation, Trade, and the Struggle for Land, 1600 – 1800 (New York:
    Cambridge University Press, 1981 ); Immanuel Wallerstein and Reşat Kasaba,
    “Incorporation into the World-Economy: Change in the Structure of the Ot-
    toman Empire, 1750 – 1839 ,” in Economie et sociétés dans l’Empire ottoman (fin du
    xviiie–début du xxe siècle), ed. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont et al. (Paris: CNRS,
    1983 ), 335 – 54 ; Shmuel Avitsur, “Le-toldot ta’asiyat arigei ha-tzemer be-Saloniki,”
    Sefunot 12 (Sefer Yavan II, 1971 – 78 ): 145 – 68 ; and Minna Rozen, Be-netivei ha-Yam
    ha-Tikhon: Ha-pzura ha-Yehudit-Sfaradit ba-me’ot ha- 16 – 18 (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv
    University Press, 1993 ).

  12. I.-S. Emmanuel, Histoire de l’industrie des tissus des Israélites de Salonique
    (Paris: Lipschutz, 1935 ), 19.

  13. Daniel Goffman, “Izmir: From Village to Colonial Port City,” in The
    Ottoman City Between East and West: Aleppo, Izmir, and Istanbul, ed. Edhem
    Eldem, Daniel Goffman, and Bruce Masters (New York: Cambridge Univer-
    sity Press, 1999 ), 99 – 100. Among those drawn to Izmir and then to Shabbatai

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