The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1
Notes to Pages 145–148 

bly) Gizli Celse Zabıtları, Devre: 1 Cilt: 4 , March 2 , 1923 , 8 cited in Eissenstat,
“Metaphors of Race and Discourse of Nation,” 248 ; Arı, Büyük mübadele, 16.
30. Arı, Büyük mübadele, 88.
31. Stanford Shaw, “The Population of Istanbul in the Nineteenth Century,”
International Journal of Middle East Studies 10 ( 1979 ): 266.
32. For a comprehensive discussion of the efforts to “Turkify” the Turkish
economy in the 1920 s, see Ayhan Aktar, “Nüfusun homojenleştirilmesi ve ekono-
minin Türkleştirilmesi sürecinde bir aşama: Türk-Yunan nüfus mübadelesi,
1923 – 1924 ,” in id., Varlık Vergisi ve ‘Türkleştirme’ politikaları (Istanbul: İletişim
Yayınları, 2000 ), 17 – 69 ; Rifat N. Bali, Cumhuriyet yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri:
Bir Türkleştirme serüveni, 1923 – 1945 (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1999 ), 196 – 240 ;
and Alexis Alexandris, The Greek Minority of Istanbul and Greek-Turkish Rela-
tions, 1918 – 1974 (Athens: Center for Asia Minor Studies, 1983 ), 105 – 12.
33. Haniogˇlu, Preparation for a Revolution, 289 – 93.
34. Ibid., 173 – 81.
35. Ibid., 306 , 308.
36. See Hans-Lukas Kieser, “Dr. Mehmet Reshid ( 1873 – 1919 ): A Political
Doctor,” in Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und die Shoah / The Armenian
Genocide and the Shoah ed. Hans-Lukas Kieser and Dominik J. Schaller (Zurich:
Chronos, 2002 ), 245 – 79.
37. The figure of 800 , 000 for the Armenians comes from the 1919 announce-
ment by Ottoman Interior Minister Cemal Bey, based on the findings of the
1918 commission of previous Interior Minister Arif Degˇmer. Atatürk accepted
this figure, as did the General Staff of the Turkish Army, which repeated the
figure in a 1928 book about World War I losses. All are quoted in Taner Akçam,
A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility
(New York: Holt, 2006 ), 183 , 345 – 46.
38. Avner Levi, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Yahudiler: Hukukî ve siyasî durumları,
ed. Rıfat N. Bali (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1992 ), 64.
39. Arı, Büyük mübadele, 128.
40. Zürcher, Turkey, 172 ; Çagˇlar Keyder, State and Class in Turkey: A Study in
Capitalist Development (London: Verso, 1987 ), 79.
41. Caroline Finkel, Osman’s Dream: The History of the Ottoman Empire (New
York: Basic Books, 2006 ), 547.
42. Vlachs were divided: those who were Orthodox Christians were sent to
Greece; those who were Muslim were accepted in Turkey.
43. Galanté, Nouveaux documents sur Sabbetaï Sevi, 79.
44. Rıfat Bali, “Bir digˇer düşman: Dönmeler veya gizli Yahudiler,” in id.,
Musa’nın evlatları Cumhuriyet’in yurttaşları (Istanbul: Iletişim, 2001 ), 412.
45. Quoted in Ben-Tzevi, “Preface,” 74 n 17.
46. Dündar, “Settlement Policy,” 41 – 42.

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