The Dönme. Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks

(Romina) #1

 Index

Terakki school, 60 ; tomb of, 314 n 12 ;
Vakit founded by, 120 , 221 ; as Vatan
founder, 170 , 221 , 223 , 225 , 235 , 236 ;
on wealth tax, 224 – 27 , 234 – 35 ; on
Yakubi discipline, 12 , 13 ; on Yakubi
leader’s house, 42
Yedi Gün (weekly), 177 , 300 n 66
Yeni Sabah (newspaper), 261
Yeni school, 193
Young Turks: and Bektaşi Sufis, 93 ;

Dönme ideology contrasted with
that of, 91 – 92 ; Dönme represent in
Vienna, 112 ; Masons in origins of, 93
Yusuf Kapancı, see Kapancı, Yusuf
( 1858 – 1910 )
Yusuf Kapancı and Sons, 65 , 118 , 280 n 1

Zaman (newspaper), 103 , 106 – 7
Ziya Osman, 196 , 199
Zubaida, Sami, 143
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