several places where users can play games related to
the 1980’s, as well as other sites about music, films,
television shows, and sporting events of the era.
Film History of the 1980’s
As the title suggests, this site contains a list of pop-
ular films, including a section on Academy Award
winners, from the 1980’s. Though the list is not com-
prehensive, it offers an idea of what was popular at
the time. Some films have links to reviews.
Wide World of SportsHighlights—1980’s
This Web site lists a large number of milestones
and highlights in 1980’s sports that were covered on
the television programWide World of Sports. The
sports covered range from hockey to women’s volley-
ball, skiing, and gymnastics.
Defining Evangelicalism
A history of the evangelical movement in the
United States, including an explanation of how the
term “evangelical movement” was used in the 1980’s.
It also contains a discussion of the movement’s inter-
action with politics beginning in the 1980’s.
The Political Mobilization of the New Christian
Authored by Bryan LeBeau, chair of Creighton
University’s history department, this Web site dis-
cusses the right-wing religious movement, with anal-
ysis of the conservative Christian political mobiliza-
tion that began in the 1980’s. It also discusses the
scandals that reduced the movement’s power.
Soviet Union
Cold War
This Web site accompanied the Cable News Net-
work’s (CNN) special series on the Cold War. The
site provides historical perspective about the war’s
origins and its end in the late 1980’s. Its list of declas-
sified documents will be of particular interest to the
more serious student of history.
Cold War International History Project
This project, administered by the Woodrow Wil-
son International Center for Scholars, provides
source documents, particularly those from the Sovi-
ets, about the Cold War. It also features links to infor-
mation about relevant events, documents, publica-
tions, and other information about the conflict.
Perestroika and the Soviet Military: Implications
for U.S. Policy
Perestroika was the restructuring undertaken by
the Soviet Union during the 1980’s in a last-ditch at-
tempt to save the nation’s economy. This article,
written in 1990 by a retired American military offi-
cial before the collapse of the Soviet Union, exam-
ines perestroika’s impact on American foreign pol-
icy; it also suggests what the United States should do
to maximize its position in the world.
Scott A. Merriman
1164 Web Sites The Eighties in America