ta-tas, n. Female breasts.
to the max, adv. To go to the limit.
toasted, adj. Drunk.
toss your cookies, v. To vomit.
totally awesome, adj. Amazing.
Trivial Pursuit, n. A popular board game in which
participants must answer popular culture and
general knowledge questions.
tubular, adj. Reaching greatness.
USFL, n. The acronym for United States Football
UVs, n. The acronym for ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Valley girl, n. A rich teenage girl from the San Fer-
nando Valley section of Los Angeles.
veg, v. To take it easy.
Walkman, n. A popular portable audio player manu-
factured by Sony.
wannabe, n. A person who has ambitions of being
like someone else.
warped, adj. Something disturbing or very weird.
whack, v. To kill.
Whatever, exp. It is of no consequence.
Where’s the beef?, exp. A hamburger advertising slo-
gan that also was used in the political arena to ask
the question “Where’s the substance?”
wicked, adj. Fantastic.
wig out, v. To lose control of one’s emotions.
wigged, adj. Insane.
Windows, n. A hugely popular computer operating
system created by Microsoft.
yes way, adv. Possibly going to happen (stated after
“no way”).
Yo, exp. Hello.
You’re toast, exp. You’re in a lot of trouble.
yuppie, n. The acronym for young urban profes-
sional or young upwardly mobile professional.
zapper, n. The remote control of a television.
zeek, n. An extremely uncool person.
zip it, v. Shut up.
Jeffr y Jensen
1168 Glossary The Eighties in America