The Eighties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(Nandana) #1

Impact Despite the defeat of Lévesque’s proposal,
the issue of Québécois nationalism remained a prob-
lematic one for the federal government of Canada.
Political opposition to the Constitution Act, 1982,
and to the Meech Lake Accord of 1987 demon-
strated how difficult it would be to reconcile Que-
becer demands with national policies. In 1995, a sim-
ilar referendum failed by a narrow margin.

Further Reading
Dickinson, John, and Brian Young.A Short Histor y of
Quebec. 3d ed. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Univer-
sity Press, 2003.

Jedwab, Jack, et al.À la prochaine? Une rétrospective des
référendums québécois de 1980 et 1995. Montreal:
Éditions Saint-Martin, 2000.
Robinson, Gertrude Joch.Constructing the Quebec Ref-
erendum. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
Jan Pendergrass

See also Canada Act of 1982; Chrétien, Jean;
Lévesque, René; Meech Lake Accord; Minorities in
Canada; Quebec English sign ban; Trudeau, Pierre.

The Eighties in America Quebec referendum of 1980  789

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