The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

against her own person, touched off a firestorm of
debate about the validity of capital punishment. Her
life was the subject of the documentariesAileen: The
Selling of a Serial Killer(1992),Aileen: Life and Death of
a Serial Killer(2003), and the filmMonster(2003),
starring Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci.

Further Reading
Russell, Sue.Lethal Intent. New York: Kensington,
Wuornos, Aileen, with Christopher Berry-Dee.Mon-
ster: My True Stor y. London: John Blake, 2004.
Twyla R. Wells

See also Crime; Gun control; Hate crimes; Simp-
son murder case; Smith, Susan; Versace murder.

 WWJD bracelets
Definition Inexpensive woven nylon wristbands
whose initials stand for “What would Jesus do?”
WWJD bracelets gained widespread popularity among
Christian youth, who used them as a tool for sharing their
faith and as a visual reminder for appropriate behavior
and decision-making.
The origin of the wristbands with the enigmatic
WWJD initials can be traced to Holland, Michigan, in

  1. There, Calvary Reformed Church youth pastor
    Janie Tinklenberg was looking for a way to help the
    teens in her group apply their faith when faced with
    decisions and actions having potentially significant
    consequences. It was then that Tinklenberg recalled

The Nineties in America WWJD bracelets  945

A Baptist youth holds WWJD bracelets that he and his Christian friends wear to remind themselves, “What would Jesus do?”(AP/
Wide World Photos)
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