The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

cepts, and overviews); orThe Event. Next, a heading
forAuthor,Publisher,Director,orProduceris used
when appropriate and includes vital dates. ADate
line appears for events, legislation, films, books, tele-
vision series, plays, and any topic linked to a discrete
time. Biographical entries feature the headingsBorn
andDied, listing the date and place of birth and
death for the subject. APlaceline appears if appro-
priate. Every essay includes a heading calledSignifi-
cance, which offers a brief assessment of what made
the topic important during the 1990’s.
Within the text, boldfaced subheads show readers
the overall organization of the essay at a glance and
make finding information quick and easy. Every es-
say features anImpactsection, which examines the
subject’s broader importance during the 1990’s. Lon-
ger overviews sometimes include a section called
Subsequent Eventsthat sums up later developments.
Cross-references at the end of each essay direct read-
ers to additional entries in the encyclopedia on
related subjects. Every entry, regardless of length,
offers bibliographical notes under the headingFur-
ther Readingin order to guide readers to additional
information about the topic; annotations are pro-
vided in essays of 1,000 words or more. Every essay
includes an author byline.

Appendixes Volume 3 ofThe Nineties in America
contains sixteen appendixes that provide additional
information about selected aspects of the decade in
easily accessible formats. The five entertainment ap-
pendixes list major films, Academy Award winners,
major Broadway plays and theatrical awards, most-

watched U.S. television shows, and Emmy Award
winners. The two literature appendixes list the best-
selling U.S. books and the winners of major literary
awards, and two music appendixes provide notable
facts about some of the decade’s most popular musi-
cians and list Grammy Award winners. A sports ap-
pendix provides a quick glance at the winners of ma-
jor sporting events of the 1990’s. The two legislative
appendixes look at major decisions of the U.S. Su-
preme Court and important legislation passed by
Congress during the decade. The other appendixes
are a glossary of new words and slang from the
1990’s, a detailed time line of the decade, an anno-
tated general bibliography, and an annotated list of
Web sources on 1990’s subjects.
The encyclopedia also contains a number of use-
ful tools to help readers find entries of interest. A
complete list of all essays inThe Nineties in America
appears at the beginning of each volume. Volume 3
contains a list of entries sorted by category, person-
age and photo indexes, and a comprehensive sub-
ject index.

Acknowledgments The editors of Salem Press
would like to thank the scholars who contributed es-
says and appendixes toThe Nineties in America; their
names and affiliations are listed in the front matter
to volume 1. The editors would also like to thank
Professor Milton Berman of the University of Roch-
ester for serving as the project’s Editor and for bring-
ing to the project his expertise on North American


The Nineties in America
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