The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Sports, 13, 52, 68, 73, 79, 83, 88, 123,
254, 383, 402, 425, 472, 480, 538,
549, 638, 643, 722, 791, 814, 819,
842, 932, 936, 954
Srebrenica massacre, 113
Starr, Kenneth, 916
Starr Report, 805
Stephanopoulos, George, 808
Stern, Howard, 809
Stewart, Martha, 810
Stockdale, James, 813
Stojko, Elvis, 814
Stone, Matt, 792
Stone, Sharon, 89
Storm of the Century, 816
Strauss, Robert, 75
Stringfield, Sherry, 627
Strug, Kerri, 819
Sundance Film Festival, 821
Supreme Court, U.S., 371

Tailhook incident, 830
Tarantino, Quentin, 834
Teenie Babies, 94
Tejano music, 763
Television, 93, 100, 314, 350, 352,
446, 504, 594, 621, 627, 723, 761,
778, 810, 876
Tennis, 13, 842
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 845
Terrorism, 542, 633, 648, 888, 938
Texas A&M bonfire collapse, 849
Texas Rangers, 83
Thomas, Clarence, 856
Thurman, Uma, 693
Tickle Me Elmo, 862
Titanic, 859

Tobacco advertising, 469
Tonight Show, The, 504
Tour de France, 52
Toys, 94, 320, 862
Track and field, 73, 254, 643
Travolta, John, 693, 868
Trump, Donald, 871
Tudjman, Franjo, 242
Turturro, Nicholas, 627
TWA Flight 880 crash, 873
Twain, Shania, 226
Twin Peaks, 876
Tyson, Mike, 425

U.S. Capitol shooting, 886
U.S. embassy bombings in Africa,
Ulrich, Lars, 562
Unabomber capture, 879
Unforgiven, 881
Updike, John, 883
Utah Jazz, 549

V-chip, 172
Vagina Monologues, The, 890
Vedder, Eddie, 387, 526
Ventura, Jesse, 893
Versace, Gianni, 894
Viagra, 895
Video games, 898

Waco siege, 901
Wallace, David Foster, 903
Wal-Mart, 904
Washington, Denzel, 906
Wayans, Keenen Ivory, 446
Wayans, Kim, 446

Web browsers, 942
Wegman, William, 909
Where’s Waldo?franchise, 914
White, Byron, 856
Whitewater investigation, 916
Whitman, Christine Todd, 917
Wilder, L. Douglas, 919
Wildfires, 630
Wiles, Andrew, 330
Winfrey, Oprah, 921
Wolfowitz, Paul, 922
Women in the military, 924
Woods, Tiger, 932
Woodstock concerts, 611, 933
World Cup 1994, 936
World Trade Center bombing, 938
World Trade Organization protests,
World Wide Web, 942
Writers, 23, 31, 39, 40, 405, 486, 488,
490, 536, 540, 586, 689, 719, 729,
789, 883
Wuornos, Aileen Carol, 944
WWJD bracelets, 945
Wyle, Noah, 314

X-Files, The, 947
Xena: Warrior Princess, 948

Y2K problem, 951
Yahoo!, 952
Yamaguchi, Kristi, 954
Yang, Jerry, 952
Year of the Woman, 955

Ziering, Ian, 100


The Nineties in America
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