The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Hutton, Linda V., 923
Hyland, Frances, 850

Ice Cube, 418, 596, 1007
Ice-T, 156
Ismail, Eyad, 938
Ito, Lance, 776
Ivey, Artis Leon, Jr.SeeCoolio

Jackson, Janet, 1007
Jackson, Michael, 1007
Jackson, O’Shea.SeeIce Cube
Jackson, Samuel L., 692
Javacheff, Christo.SeeChristo
Jemison, Mae, 795
Jenkins, Jerry B., 510
Jensen, Dan, 642
Jewel, 1007
Jewell, Richard, 647
Jiang Zemin, 175
Jobs, Steve, 44, 355,468-469, 673
Joffrey, Robert, 78
John, Elton, 1007
John Paul II, 712
Johnson, David R., 741
Johnson, Magic, 90,470-471
Johnson, Michael, 73, 644
Johnson, Phillip E., 452
Johnson, Randy, 85
Johnston, Rita Margaret, 929
Jones, Paula, 194, 197, 512, 746,
805, 869
Jones, Roy, Jr., 115
Jones, Stephen, 633
Jordan, Michael, 90,471-473,
Jordan, Montell, 1007
Joyner-Kersee, Jackie, 640
Judge, Mike, 97
Junger, Sebastian, 661

Kaczynski, Theodore, 847, 879
Kahane, Meir, 846
Kang, M. J., 851
Karenga, Ron, 493
Kasi, Mir Aimal, 847
Kauffman, Marta, 351
Kearns, Robert, 459
Kelley, David E., 27
Kelley, Kitty,476-477
Kellner, Jamie, 908
Kelly, R., 1007
Kelly, Sharon Pratt, 587
Kemp, Jack, 262, 304, 477

Kennedy, John F., Jr.,478-479
Kerkorian, Kirk, 502
Kerrigan, Nancy,480-481, 637,
Kevorkian, Jack, 33,481-482
Keynes, John Maynard, 704
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 938
Kidman, Nicole, 233
Kilkenny, Ossie, 934
King, John William, 139
King, Rodney, 11,485-486, 528, 681,
King, Stephen,486-487
Kingsley, Ben, 748
Kingsolver, Barbara,487-488
Klebold, Dylan, 210
Klein, Dennis, 500
Knight, Suge, 243, 418
Knox, Stephen, 489
Kohan, David, 920
Komunyakaa, Yusef,490-491, 677
Koons, Jeff,491-492
Koresh, David, 572, 900
Koss, Johann, 641
Krakowski, Jane, 28
Kronberger, Petra, 637
Kubeck, Candalyn, 891
Kudrow, Lisa, 351
Kulik, Ilia, 647
Kushner, Tony, 40, 852
Kwan, Michelle, 59, 647

Laettner, Christian, 91
Lagasse, Emeril, 340,497-498
LaHaye, Tim, 510
Laliberté, Guy, 183
Lang, K. D.,498-499
Lang, Michael, 933
Lange, Thomas, 639
Lansbury, Angela, 96
LaPierre, Cherilyn Sarkisian.See
Larson, Gary, 214
Larson, Jonathan, 714, 852
Lawless, Lucy, 948
Lazarus, Edward, 605
LeBlanc, Matt, 352
Lee, Spike,509-510
Lee Teng-hui, 176
Lee-Gartner, Kerrin, 637
Lehman, Bruce A., 459
Leiter, Darryl, 757
LeMay Doan, Catriona, 647
Lemelson, Jerome, 459

Lemieux, Mario, 802
Leno, Jay, 504
Lethem, Jonathan, 521
Letterman, David, 504
Levy, David H., 61, 756, 770
Lewinsky, Monica, 191, 194, 197,
511, 746, 805, 869
Lewis, Carl, 640, 645
Lewis, Lennox, 877
Li Peng, 175
Lifsh, Yosef, 232
Limbaugh, Rush,516-517, 832
Lindh, Hilary, 637
Lipinsky, Tara, 647
Liu, Lucy, 28, 59
LL Cool J, 1007
Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 119, 852
Lobo, Rebecca, 928
Lopez, Fidel, 529
Louima, Abner, 11, 531, 681
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 760
Love, Courtney,532-533, 613
Lucas, Craig, 852
Lucas, George, 803
Lucid, Shannon,533-534, 795
Lueders, Pierre, 647
Luntz, Frank, 223
Lutz, Robert, 70
Lynch, David, 875
Lyte, MC.SeeMC Lyte

McCaffrey, Barry, 565
McCarthy, Cormac, 521
McCartney, Bill, 687
McCartney, Paul, 590
McCaughey, Bobbi, 535
McCormack, Eric, 920
McCourt, Frank, 524, 536
McDonough, William, 827
McDormand, Frances, 206
McDougal, James and Susan, 197,
746, 915
Mace, Nancy, 924
McEntire, Reba, 225,537-538,
McGraw, Tim, 1008
McGreevey, Jim, 918
McGruder, Aaron, 215
McGwire, Mark, 85, 427,538-539,
791, 801
McKinney, Aaron, 431, 769
McKnight, Brian, 1008
MacLachlan, Kyle, 876
McLachlan, Sarah, 1008


The Nineties in America
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