The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

finance scandal, 142-144; centrist
policies, 303, 514; China and, 175;
defense budget cuts, 245; Defense
of Marriage Act, 247; deficit
reduction, 76, 602; domestic
policy, 190; Filegate, 805; foreign
policy, 190; Newt Gingrich and,
305, 369; Al Gore and, 378; gun
control and, 393; Haiti and, 400;
health care reform, 412;
homosexuals in the military, 264,
431; impeachment of,193-196;
Israel and, 463; Jewish Americans
and, 467; Kosovo conflict and,
492; Latinos and, 508; Lewinsky
scandal, 191, 194, 197, 511-513,
746, 805, 869; midnight basketball
initiative, 571; minimum wage
increases, 577; Pardongate, 198;
postpresidency, 198; presidential
campaigns, 189, 197, 514, 585,
808; race relations and, 700;
scandals,196-199, 720, 745, 804;
soccer moms and, 785; Somalia
and, 788; terrorism and, 483, 887;
Travelgate, 805; Troopergate, 869-
870; welfare reform, 910;
Whitewater, 915-917; Boris Yeltsin
and, 735
Clinton, Hillary Rodham,191-193,
720-721, 745; health care reform,
192, 412; Whitewater, 915-917
Clinton Chronicles, The, 322
Clinton v. City of New York(1998), 517,
Clinton v. Jones(1997), 194, 197, 825,
Cloning,199-201, 364, 807.See also
Stem cell research
Clooney, George,201-202, 314
Close Range: Wyoming Stories(Proulx),
“Closer” (Nine Inch Nails), 611
Club drugs, 283
Clueless, 962
CNN.SeeCable News Network
Cobain, Kurt, 30, 386, 532, 612
Cochran, Johnnie,204-205, 776
Code sharing (airlines), 22
Coelho, Tony, 297
Coen, Joel and Ethan,205-206
Cohabitation, 554

Cohen, William S.,207-208
Cold War; end of,208-210, 316, 734
Collectibles, 94, 419
Collective bargaining, 87, 341, 928
College; Canada, 285; Latinos and,
508; women and, 285
College basketball, 91
College football, 342
Collins, Francis, 436
Columbia Broadcasting System, 647,
838, 884, 919
Columbine massacre,210-212
Columbus, Chris, 426
Combs, Sean, 244, 418, 1010
Come on Over(Twain), 226
“Come to My Window” (Etheridge),
Comedians, 153,212-214, 247, 445,
599, 625, 723
Comedies (film), 213, 426, 450
Comedy Central, 791
Comets, 61, 401-402, 414, 756, 770
Comic strips,214-216
Commission on Civil Rights, U.S.,
Commonwealth Games, 146
Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meetings, 145
Commonwealth of Learning, 146
Communications, 451; technology,
154, 458
Communications Licensing and
Spectrum Allocation
Improvement Act (1993), 985
Community-oriented policing, 228
Community-supported agriculture,
Compact discs, 256; audiobooks, 65
Compagnoni, Deborah, 646
Complexions Contemporary Ballet,
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty, 345
Compstat, 229
Compton Gamma Ray Observatory,
62, 793
Compton’s New Media, 458
CompuServe, 942
Computer games.SeeVideo games
Computer-generated imagery,157-
159 , 333, 475, 673, 804, 846; child
pornography and, 165
Computers,216-219, 772, 941;
advertising and, 6; animation, 157;

use in architecture, 49; digital
audio playback, 256; digital
divide, 258; e-mail, 310; hacking,
396-398; handheld, 659; instant
messaging, 451; inventions, 457;
laptops, 43; microcomputers, 216;
networks, 453, 754; operating
systems, 217; PDAs, 217; Pentium
series, 217; personal computers,
43, 310, 754; PowerPC chip, 43,
216; security, 396, 566; software,
218, 566, 897; software patents,
458; sound cards, 256;
supercomputers, 216; Trojan
horses, 397; viruses, 310, 396, 566;
Y2K problem, 950-951.See also
Apple Computer; Computer-
generated imagery; Microsoft;
Concord Coalition, 786
Congress, U.S., 297, 301-302, 716;
African Americans in, 10;
balanced budget, 602; Jewish
Americans in, 467; pay raises, 874;
post office scandal, 745; term
limits, 843-845; women in, 954
Congressional Accountability Act
(1995), 986
Connor, Myles, 354
Conservatism; liberalism and, 234,
514; political, 124, 129,219-220,
651, 716; religious, 179, 321; talk
radio, 516, 749, 832
Conservative Party, 144, 295, 591
“Constant Craving” (Lang), 498
Constitution, Canadian, 159
Constitution, U.S., 874
Contact, 158
Contact Group, 492
Contraceptives.SeeBirth control
Contract with America, 51,219-224,
298, 369, 717
Contract with the American Family,
Controlled Substances Act (1970),
Convention on the Prohibition of
the Use, Stockpiling, Production
and Transfer of Anti-Personnel
Mines and on Their Destruction.
SeeMine Ban Treaty
Convergence journalism, 474
Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her
Lover, The, 609


The Nineties in America
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