The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

Ferguson, Colin,328-329
Fermat’s last theorem solution,330-
Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory, 755
Ferraro, Geraldine, 954
Fertility drugs, 535
Festivals; art, 127; film, 820; music,
525, 858, 933
Few Good Men, A, 233, 960
FIBA.See International Basketball
Fielder, Cecil, 84
Fielding, Helen, 163
FIFA, 935
Fifth Amendment, 824
Fight Club(film), 965
Fight Club(Palahniuk), 657
Figure skating, 123, 480, 642, 647,
814, 953
Filegate, 745, 805
Film, 26, 153, 205, 233, 239, 318,
349, 403, 543, 599, 705-706, 722-
723, 737-738, 782, 834, 867, 905,
959; Academy Awards, 2-4, 96,
206, 240, 349, 403, 450, 475, 650,
658, 667, 692, 723, 744, 749, 772,
834, 846, 855, 860, 881, 905;
ambient and techno music in,
309; animation, 95, 157, 673;
architecture and, 50; awards, 967;
blockbusters, 333; Canada,331-
332 ; comedies, 213, 426; crime,
692; disaster, 858; drama, 667;
DVDs, 278; erotic, 89, 335, 771;
feminist, 854; festivals, 820; film
noir, 450; foreign, 3; gangster,
376; Holocaust, 747; horror, 103,
758, 772; independent, 103, 449-
451, 692, 820; merchandising,
862; postmodern, 692, 758; race
relations and, 530; ratings, 609;
romance, 858; satiric comedies,
450; science fiction, 475, 556, 803,
845; special effects, 157, 333, 846,
860; United States,333-337; war
films, 743; Westerns, 240, 881.See
also specific genres and titles
Film noir, 334, 450
Filo, David, 952
Findley, Timothy, 518
Fine Balance, A(Mistry), 520, 580
Firehouse, 1006
Firm, The, 233

First, Neal, 200
First Amendment, 11, 156, 165, 406,
453, 489, 711, 824
First Nations, 578, 625, 700;
education, 286; theater, 850.See
alsoNative Americans
First Nations Policing Policy (1991),
Fisher, Amy, 527
Fisher King, The, 960
Fishing, 740
Fiske, Robert, 193, 197, 804, 916
Flash freezing, 339
Flat-tax rate, 343
Flaviviruses, 913
Flavr Savr tomato, 340, 360, 362,
Fleiss, Heidi,337-338
Flinn, Kelly,338-339
Flirting with Disaster, 963
Flockhart, Calista, 27
Floods, 579, 607
Florida Marlins, 801
Florida v. Bostick(1991), 824
Florio, James, 917
Flowers, Gennifer, 189, 197, 746
Foo Fighters, 387
Food; diets, 958; genetically
modified, 339; organic, 652-654;
Food, Agriculture, Conservation,
and Trade Act (1990), 15, 983
Food and Drug Administration, 41,
253, 274, 328, 666, 774, 895
Food and Drug Administration
Modernization Act (1997), 988
Food Network, 498
Food Quality Protection Act (1996),
17, 987
Football,341-343, 801; college, 114
Foote, Horton, 853
Forbes, Steve,343-344
Ford Motor Company, 69, 306
Fordice, United States v.(1992), 991
Foreign Affairs Reform and
Restructuring Act (1998), 989
Foreign automakers, 71
Foreign films, 3
Foreign policy; Canada, 147,344-
345 , 592; United States, 130,346-
349 , 505, 569
Foreign trade.SeeFree trade;
International trade
Foreman, George, 115, 802

Foreman, Richard, 853
Forrest Gump, 3, 333,349-350, 403,
Fortier, Michael, 633
Fosse, 853
Foster, Jodie, 772
Foster, Vince, 193, 197
Fourteenth Amendment, 675, 728,
Fourth Amendment, 823
Fox News Channel, 273, 652
Fox television network, 778, 838,
884, 947
Foxwoods Resort Casino, 605
Foxx, Jamie, 213
Fragile, The(Nine Inch Nails), 611
France, 637
Franz, Dennis, 627
Fraser, Catherine Anne, 929
Fraunhofer Institute, 589
Fréchette, Louise, 929
Free agency, 87, 341
Free speech, 810
Free Speech Coalition v. Reno(1999),
Free trade, 130, 147, 344, 564, 618,
Freed, James Ingo, 423
Freedom of Access to Clinic
Entrances Act (1994), 1, 931
Freedom Support Act (1992), 984
Freedom to Farm Act.SeeFederal
Agriculture Improvement and
Reform Act
Freeman, Morgan, 881
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The, 782
“Friends in Low Places” (Brooks),
Frost, Mark, 875
Frye, Phyllis Randolph, 865
Fugees, 1006
Fugitive, The, 961
Fuhrman, Mark, 776
Funaki, Kazuyoshi, 646
Fund-raisers, 858
Fuqra, Jamaat ul-, 846
Furby, 319, 863
Furlong, Edward, 845

Galileo (spacecraft), 61, 756, 793
Games, 678-679, 862-865
Gangs, 272


The Nineties in America
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