The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

World Boxing Association, 115, 425,
World Boxing Council, 115, 425,
World Cup, 783; 1994,935-937
World Intellectual Property
Organization, 224
World Series, 85
World Trade Center bombing, 569,
World Trade Organization, 136
World Trade Organization protests,
World Wide Web, 217, 267, 457, 686,
754,941-943; blogs, 107-108, 272;
book clubs, 112; comic strips, 215;
digital audio, 257; e-mail, 310;
hobbyists, 420; search engines,
759-760, 952; Web browsers, 456,
941; Web design software, 218;
Web portals, 943, 952
Wright, Angela, 745
Wright, Jim, 297
Writers, 9, 30, 39, 80, 239, 320, 379,
384, 486-487, 518, 520, 536, 540-
541, 580, 585, 649, 657, 688, 719,
726, 729, 789, 883, 903

WTO protests.SeeWorld Trade
Organization protests
Wuornos, Aileen Carol,944-945
WWJD bracelets,945-946
Wye River Accords, 464
Wylie, Paul, 637
Wynn, Steve, 501

X-Files, The,947-948
X rating, 609
Xena: Warrior Princess,948-949
Xscape, 1011

Y 2K problem,950-951
Yahoo!, 760, 943,952-953
Yamaguchi, Kristi, 59, 637,953-954
Yang, Jerry, 952
Yasin, Abdul Rahman, 938
Yauch, Adam, 858
Year of the Woman, 301,954-955
Year-round schools,956-957
Year 2000 Information and
Readiness Disclosure Act, 950
Year 2000 problem.See Y2K
Yeltsin, Boris, 130, 317, 348, 734
Yes I Am(Etheridge), 315

Yo-yo, 863
“You Must Love Me” (Madonna),
“You Oughta Know” (Morissette),
Young, Andre.SeeDr. Dre
Young, Kevin, 640
Your Little Secret(Etheridge), 315
Yousef, Ramzi, 569, 938
Youth; Christianity and, 945; crime,
230, 571; smoking, 861; tobacco
advertising and, 470; voting, 726
You’ve Got Mail, 738
Yugoslavia, 113, 241, 346, 492, 638,

Zaire, 8
Zedillo, Ernesto, 564
Zemeckis, Robert, 158, 349
Zero-emission vehicle mandate,
Zhu Rongji, 176
Zobrest vs. Catalina Foothills School
District(1993), 992
Zone diet, 958
Zorn, John, 186
Zurko, Mary Ellen, 459


The Nineties in America
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