The Nineties in America - Salem Press (2009)

(C. Jardin) #1

cause he was espousing was essentially based on
lies. In this book, Brock exposes effectively the
poisonous political climate that Republican polit-
ical activists, the right-wing press, and well-
endowed “think tanks” created, giving support to
Hillary Clinton’s assertion that she and her hus-
band were targeted by a right-wing conspiracy.
Clinton, Bill.My Life. New York: Alfred A. Knopf,

  1. Clinton’s skill as a communicator comes
    through clearly in making his autobiography one
    of the all-time great presidential autobiographies
    containing many valuable insights, despite being
    a self-serving document.
    Clinton, Hillary Rodham.Living Histor y. New York:
    Simon & Schuster, 2003. Clinton’s autobiogra-
    phy, while not quite as engaging as her husband’s,
    is still filled with valuable insights into the scan-
    dals that rocked the Clinton administration.
    Gergen, Michael.Eyewitness to Power: The Essence of
    Leadership: Nixon to Clinton. New York: Simon &
    Schuster, 2000. A sometime adviser to a number
    of recent U.S. presidents, Gergen combines his
    personal access with penetrating analysis of Bill
    Clinton and the politics and scandals of his era.
    Maraniss, David.First in His Class: A Biography of Bill
    Clinton. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
    Maraniss is a Pulitzer-prize winning Washington
    Post reporter who has written a biography analyz-
    ing Clinton’s talents and flaws.
    Morris, Dick.Behind the Oval Office: Winning the Presi-
    dency in the Nineties. New York: Ran-
    dom House, 1997. As a pollster
    and political analyst for Clinton
    as governor and as president,
    Morris was in Clinton’s inner cir-
    cle and acutely aware of many of
    the details of the Clinton scan-
    dals, which he shares in his criti-
    cal but useful book.
    Stephanopoulos, George.All Too Hu-
    man: A Political Education. Boston:
    Little, Brown, 1999. As a former
    White House aide, Stephanopou-
    los had access to the Clinton inner
    circle, which he used to paint a
    sincere, but sometimes unflatter-
    ing, portrait of both Bill and Hil-
    lary Clinton.
    Toobin, Jeffrey. A Vast Conspiracy:
    The Real Stor y of the Sex Scandal

That Nearly Brought Down a President. New York: Si-
mon & Schuster, 2000. Toobin’s book is well re-
searched, analytical, ably written, and offers fresh
insights to the scandals associated with the
Clinton presidency.
Richard L. Wilson

See also Clinton, Bill; Clinton, Hillary Rodham;
Clinton’s impeachment; Clinton’s scandals; Culture
wars; Elections in the United States, 1996; Gore, Al;
Lewinsky scandal; Morris, Dick; Reno, Janet; Right-
wing conspiracy; Scandals; Starr Report; Trooper-

 Whitman, Christine Todd
Identification Governor of New Jersey, 1994-2001
Born September 26, 1946; New York, New York
A pioneer female politician, Whitman was a forerunner of
the Republican congressional victories of 1994 and a major
figure in her wing of the party.
Christine Todd Whitman came from a wealthy Re-
publican family and had been a minor New Jersey of-
ficial when she ran against incumbent senator Bill
Bradley in 1990. Aided by a popular revolt against
tax hikes by Governor James Florio, she nearly won
(one of the surprises of election night that year),
and Republicans took complete control of the state

The Nineties in America Whitman, Christine Todd  917

Christine Todd Whitman raises arms in victory after defeating Jim Florio in the gover-
nor’s race, 1993.(Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
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