
(J-Ad) #1 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS Thursday, June 20, 2024 25

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Minges Creek Village

Continued from Page 24

Car Show, organized by the Misfits
Car Club of Battle Creek.
It will be held at Leila Arboretum,
928 W. Michigan Ave. in Battle
The event will feature classic cars,

trucks, military vehicles and motor-
cycles, with top awards presented by
members of the Del Shannon family.
The event will also feature other
prizes, food and music.
There is a gate fee, plus vehicle
parking fee.
If someone wishes to enter
a vehicle in the show, he or
she can register on the day of
the event for a fee or register in
advance online at
At 1 p.m. Sunday, June 30, the
Battle Creek Regional History
Museum, at 307 W. Jackson St., will
hold a presentation on the history of
music in Battle Creek, and include
a panel discussion on Battle Creek’s
music legacy with Bobby Holley,
Popenhagen and Derek DeWalt, the
son of famed recording artist Junior
Information on tickets and all three
events can be found at

The Haven’s case management
team, along with the Haven’s shel-
ter managers, were on-site and
visiting directly with Battle Creek
Shelter guests several times over
recent weeks to meet with as many
residents as possible, said Executive
Director Daniel Jones.
This was done in an effort to con-
nect guests to resources and services
and handle the transition of the May
31st Battle Creek Shelter’s closure
and assist any guests coming to the
Haven as efficiently as possible, he
As a result, at the closing, the
Haven’s shelters welcomed several
guests coming from the Battle Creek
shelter, arranged for some to go to
short-term substance abuse rehabili-
tation sites, and even helped some
towards different locations where
family or other support networks
existed, said Jones.
According to Haven of Rest shel-
ter managers, no one who requested
help was turned away.
The Battle Creek Shelter Board of
Directors announced May 1 that it
would cease operations at the Battle
Creek Shelter, 209 E. Michigan
Ave., as of May 31, 2024.

Haven takes in former Battle Creek Shelter clients

Rodrico Blackman, Assistant
Manager and Case Manager at the
Haven of Rest’s Men’s shelter, meets
with residents at Battle Creek shelter
ahead of the scheduled closing of the
BC shelter on May 31.

The shelter was launched in
September 2020 during the COVID-
19 pandemic after local leaders
requested a solution for the unshel-
tered population.
A group of individuals and organi-
zations teamed up to create the Battle
Creek Shelter to address the growing
needs of adults in the Battle Creek

area who don’t have housing.
Last year, the BCS Board of
Directors developed a transition plan
for the facility as it took several steps
to achieve independence as a non-
profit organization, reduce expenses
and move out of the start-up phase
that had been supported financially
and operationally by the Battle Creek
Community Foundation from the
time the shelter opened until the sun-
set of that arrangement in December
2023, according to a May 1 press

In its three-and-a-half years of
existence, the Battle Creek Shelter
provided a variety of services, includ-
ing safe overnight housing, meals,
clothing, showers, case management
and supplies to hundreds of people.
In 2023 alone, the shelter provided
overnight shelter to 410 people –
including 113 women and 39 military
veterans – and served more than
19,000 meals.

The Legal Services of South
Central Michigan-Battle Creek office
will conduct interviews for legal
advice and possible representation,
without charge, to interested older
Americans on Thursday, June 20.
The session will be held from 9
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Battle Creek
office, located at 123 W. Territorial
Road, according to an agency press
Legal Services is a nonprofit orga-
nization that provides legal assis-

tance, representation and education
to low-income people in Calhoun and
Branch counties and to seniors in St.
Joseph, Branch, Calhoun and Barry
The counsel at senior sites is funded
primarily by the Calhoun County
Senior Millage, CareWell Services
Southwest through the Michigan
Bureau of Aging, Community
Living, and Supports under the Older
Americans Act of 1965.

Legal advice session for seniors is June 20

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