
(J-Ad) #1 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS Thursday, June 20, 2024 9

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W.K. Kellogg Co. Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Stacy Flathau joined the
fundraising in which her company donated 10,000 boxes of cereal to be
sold for $2 each for the benefit of the United Way June 7. ( Shopper News photo
by Shelly Kehrle-Sulser)

Post Consumer Brands Technical Services Director Carl Berendsohn helped
to hand out the 10,000 boxes of Post cereal that day. (Shopper News photo by Shelly

Information Technology employee at W.K. Kellogg Co. Naveen Paul helped
his company hand out cereal to customers who could buy up to five boxes
from each company. (Shopper News photo by Shelly Kehrle-Sulser)

The Battle Creek Cereal Sale, co-
sponsored by Post Consumer Brands
and WK Kellogg Co. as part of the
recent National Cereal Festival,
raised $10,212 to benefit the Battle
Creek community through United
Way of South Central Michigan
The two companies donated
10,000 boxes of their popular cereal
brands, from Fruity PEBBLESTM
to Kellogg’s Froot Loops® and
more, to the effort. Those products
were then offered for public sale at
reduced prices during the National
Cereal Festival on June 7, with

‘Cereal Sale’ collaboration raises $10K for United Way

WK Kellogg Co., Post Consumer Brands partner on Battle Creek Fundraiser

all proceeds going to UWSCMI.
Attendees bought nearly 5,000 boxes
of cereal. The remaining cereal was
donated to the South Michigan Food
Bank to support food-insecure fami-
lies in the Battle Creek area — an
especially crucial need during sum-
mer months when children don’t
have access to meals at school.
Chris Sargent, UWSCMI President
and Executive Officer, said the
unique collaboration between WK
Kellogg and Post — normally busi-
ness competitors — shows the power
of partnership in supporting the com-

“Individually, these companies
and their employees are long-time
supporters of United Way’s work in
the Battle Creek community,” said

Sargent. “For them to pool their
impact in this way sets a power-
ful standard for all of us. Coming

See CEREAL on 10
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