
(J-Ad) #1
34 Thursday, July 4, 2024 BATTLE CREEK SHOPPER NEWS

Sports Editor/Asst. Editor

The local organization Love In
Action Community Services is hold-
ing two special events – scheduled
for this month and in August – in the
upcoming weeks.

  • First, Love In Action Community
    Services is holding a Bobby Holley
    Appreciation and Kids Day in honor
    of community activist and performer
    Holley on Saturday, July 20 from
    11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the parking lot

Love In Action Community Ministries to host Holley, Race Around the Creek events



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between the Battle Creek Area Math
and Science Center and Cereal City
Science at 171 W. Michigan Avenue
in downtown Battle Creek.
There will be kids’ games, food
and music by and for Holley – and
there will also be a bike-walk-ride-
anything-like-a-bike parade on the
site for Holley.
“Bobby has done so much for our
community. We just want to do
something for him in return. ... We
want to show Bobby just how grateful
we are for his compassion and gen-
erosity through the years,” said event
director Mary Anne Head-Dunston.
“We are also trying to raise funds
to provide Bobby with several bikes
to give away,” added Head-Dunston,
referring to Holley’s annual summer-
long program of giving free bikes
to youngsters who turn in essays on
“Why Do I Need a Bike?”
Note: The process of bike and/
or monetary donations for the free
bike program, along with completed
essays, can be completed by contact-
ing Holley at (269) 275-7991 or at the

Church of Living Water.
For more information about the
Bobby Holley Appreciation and
Kids Day on July 20 – during which
there will also be giveaways, good-
ies, activities and free food – contact
Mary Anne Head-Dunston at (269)

  • And, Love In Action Community
    Ministries will hold its third annual
    “Race Around The Creek” – also a
    fundraiser event – on Saturday, Aug.
    17, with the start-finish-base of the
    event being American Legion Post
    298 on North 20th Street.
    Last year’s “Race Around The
    Creek” drew a field of 23 three-per-
    son teams – with the event promoting
    lots of family fun via teams of three
    (more if children are involved on a
    team) driving around Battle Creek to
    specified sites, with each site provid-
    ing clues as to where the next site
    location would be.
    Awards last year were presented to
    the top finishers, and all participants
    were eligible to win one of the 75
    door prizes available as well as par-

take in a race-ending luncheon.
Registration is open from July
1-Aug. 10.
The “Race Around The Creek”
event will again feature a 9 a.m.
check-in and a 9:45 a.m. mandatory
drivers meeting – with the “race” to
get underway at 10 a.m.
“We have been fortunate enough to
get help from American Legion Post
298 this year as a co-sponsor,” Head-
Dunston said.
Funds raised by Love In Action
Community Ministries organization
go to helping people in need dur-
ing the Thanksgiving and Christmas
holidays – with the organization also
preparing and serving meals every
Friday at the SHARE Center in town.
As is the case with the Bobby
Holley Appreciation and Kids Day
on July 20, contact Mary Anne Head-
Dunston at (269) 348-3700 for more
information, and also if one is inter-
ested in donating one’s time or assist-
ing with funding and prizes.

Section105cSchoolsof ChoiceProgram
For Familiesin
Branch,Calhoun,Cass,Kalamazoo,and Van Buren
In term ed iate Sch ool Distri cts
In an ef fort to prov ide a qualityeduc ationfor all studentsin the county, the nineschool
dis tric ts in St. Jos eph Countyare of feringa Sec tion 105cSchoolsof Choic e Programfor
the 2024-25schoolyear. This Schoolsof Choic e Programallows studentsof fam ilies who
res ide in Branc h, Calhoun,Cas s, Kalam az oo, or Van BurenInt erm ediat e SchoolDis tric t a
choice to att end participat ing schooldis tric ts within the St. Jos eph CountyIS D.*
●Schoolsof ChoiceProgramApplicationsare availableat any schooldistrictSuperintendent’s
office and at the ISD office.Additionalinformationmaybe obtainedby callingthe following
⠀ Applicationsmustbe submittedto yourchoiceschooldistrictduringthe “application
window”to be considered:
⠀ APPLICATIONWINDOW: July22, 2024-August20, 2024
Sch ool District
Ph one Nu mb er

Grad es For Which Ap plications Are Bein g Accepted
(th is list is validfo r 1st Semesterof th e 2024-25sch ool year)
Burr Oak
(269)489-2213 UNLIMITED Applicationsfor all gradeswill be accepted.
Centreville(269)467-5220 UNLIMITED Applicationsfor all gradeswill be accepted.
(269)432-3231 UNLIMITED Applicationsfor all gradeswill be accepted.
(269)435-8900 UNLIMITED Applicationsfor all gradeswill be accepted.
(269)496-8491 UNLIMITED Applicationsfor all gradeswill be accepted.
(269)467-7153 Not acceptingapplicationsat this time.
Sturgis(269)659-1502 UNLIMITED Applicationsfor all gradeswill be accepted.
(269)279-1 100

UNLIMITED Applicationswill be acceptedfor the followinggrades:
Kindergarten *Not accepting through applications 12th. for Young 5s..
White Pigeon
(269)483-7676 UNLIMITED Applicationsfor all gradeswill be accepted.
St. JosephCountyISD
(269)467-5400 Non-applicable
Thedisabilityschools, geneticin St. Josephinformation,Countyor any otherdo not discriminatelegallyprotectedon the basisstatusin their programs,of race,color, nationalservicesand activities.origin,sex,religion,age,
* Studentsmust meet all eligibilityrequirements.


Cereal City Concert Band

is headed to Europe!
We have been invited to perform at the

2025 Mid Europe Wind Band Festival

in Schladming, AUSTRIA

5-14 July 2025

Tour will also include performances in Prague, Czech Republic
And visits to Salzburg & Munich

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