Figure 65 Single-edged swords (E.II.A) 1. Környe, stray find (Salamon – Erdélyi 1971, 30,
Taf. 34/3; Simon 1991, 298.); 2. Kiskőrös–Rákóczi u. 49. (László 1940, 150, XXIV. t. 16.);
- Kiskőrös–Városalatt, grave No. 193 (Horváth 1935, 50.); 4. Környe, grave No. 35
(Salamon – Erdélyi 1971, 17, Taf. 33/6.; Simon 1991, 296.); 5. Paks–Gyapa TO33,
grave No. 12.
Most of the 12 Middle phase examples were found on the Great Hungarian
Plain (seven examples), the rest being distributed across Transdanubia, the
Vienna Basin and Southwestern Slovakia. These swords are dated by belt-sets
found associated in the burials.80
80 The grave No. 84 of Jászapáti is dated by a belt-set stamped of gilded copper alloy with
quadrangular mounts and a stamped hairgrip (Madaras 1994, 33–34. Taf. XII–XIII), while