074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^40) Kota Tinggi – Mersing - 105 km

The route to the East Coast was primarily undulating through oil palm
plantations but, overall, it was a comfortable ride. In Mersing, a spot
at the famous Embassy Hotel was the best value in town, and I paid
for two nights’ accommodation.

The day after, I called the SA Embassy in Bangkok and they revealed
that the application was finally on the Home Affairs’ system. I hoped
that matters wouldn’t take too long from then on. The rest of the day
was spent doing regular rest-day chores.
Mersing – Chalets Kampong Merchong - 96 km

The coastal road eventually led onto Route 3 via Rompin. Sadly,
workers were clearing the natural forest to convert it into oil palm
plantations. A little beyond that a fire was used to make clearing
easier. It's always a sad sight.
My path took me past a massive brick-built aviary, used as a swiftlet
and edible bird’s nest farm. At the time, a kilogram of white nests
could cost up to US$2,000, and red nests up to US$10,000, making it
an extremely lucrative business.
Basic chalets along the river made it an excellent place to spend the
night. Sadly, the air was thick with smoke from fires, to such an
extent that I secretly planned what to grab when push came to
shove. Fortunately, a thunderstorm came to the rescue and calmed
things down a tad. Phew, what a relief.

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