074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^52) Kuala Besut – Kuala Terengganu - 112 km

Some days are stranger than others and this was one of them. Soon
after departing a motorbike pulled up next to me and with lightning-
fast action, the man reached out and grabbed my boob and then sped
off. I let rip with profanities and gave him the middle finger. He highly
likely didn’t understand “Jou ma se moer!” Ha, ha, ha.
Later, a friendly chap stopped and offered me a ride to Terengganu.
To him, Terengganu was too far to cycle in a day, even though only
50 kilometres remained. I declined his offer, thanked him for his
kindness and with my faith in humanity restored, proceeded to
Terengganu where my arrival was in good time. I picked up fried
noodles and beer in Chinatown and headed to the Seaview Hotel
without the sea view.
Kuala Terengganu – Dundun - 94 km

During my ride to Dundun, the route passed numerous roadside
stands selling satay-skewered chicken wrapped in banana leaves and
cooked on a smoky charcoal grill. At one of the stalls, I realised I was
wearing odd shoes, which was quite a feat considering I only had two

Unfortunately, I spent most of the day riding into a stiff breeze, and
midway to Dundun, the rain came gushing down so heavily that I had
to take cover. Dundun had several options for accommodation along
the beachfront. However, they were all quite expensive and, in the
end, I chose the least expensive of the bunch. Big mistake, as it
turned out to be the worst place I have stayed at during my time in
Malaysia. On days like this, I must remind myself that I’m not buying
the place and that I'll be out of there by morning.

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