074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^64) Although these temples are places of worship, it’s interesting to note
that the Hindu Monk, Swami Vivekananda taught that temples are
simply means of reaching God, not an end. “Man is to become divine
by realising the divine. Idols, temples, churches, or books are only
supports.” ̄ Swami Vivekananda.
Peter and I set out in search of the alleged haunted house of
Puchong. The home is located on a hill in the suburb of Taman
Tenaga. The story goes that the house was once owned by a wealthy
Chinese businessman who went bankrupt. He and his entire family
committed suicide but various versions of the story did the rounds.
Others say they were murdered by an unknown psychopath killer
living in the house’s walls. The place was left to go to ruins in fear of
the souls living there.
I read that Bomohs (Malaysian witch doctors) use the house to
practice their rituals. Stories of Pontianaks (female vampire ghosts)
taking up residence in the place were popular. Reports tell of people
seeing lights turning on and off, even though power and water have
been cut off for years. As could be expected, people heard screams of
children and, of course, saw shadowy figures. We found the place but
no ghosts; only thousands of pursuing mosquitoes, which one could
easily have thought possessed. Needless to say, we made our way
out of there in a hurry.

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