074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^68) The smoke haze wasn’t improving, but instead worsened. According
to newspapers, the causes of the fog were forest burning, smoke
from factories, vehicle emissions, and open burning. The pollution
surely can’t be healthy. Nevertheless, nothing of interest happened
after crossing the river, and I pushed on to Sitiawan.
Sitiawan – Taiping - 90 km

Although it was drizzling, it never rained awfully hard, so I continued
until I reached Taiping shortly past midday. Skipping breakfast left me
starving, so I went hunting for food almost immediately.
The Taiping Zoo was open at night and made a great place to explore
after sunset. The zoo was dimly lit, resembling a full moon. I thought
it quite magical wandering about listening to the sounds of the night
and smelling the damp forest. Much grunting, stomping and chewing
could be heard. While wondering what I would do if a crocodile
suddenly jumped at me, a deer bounced out from behind a bush,
giving me the fright of my life!
Taiping – Penang - 101 km

A quick breakfast and I was on my way—although slightly further,
minor paths made a far more pleasant ride. Malaysia is exceptionally
modern, and one can easily forget how tropical the country is. The
way crossed numerous rivers, all jam-packed with fishing boats of all
shapes and sizes. Finally, it spat me out in Butterworth, where I
boarded the ferry to Penang. Although there was a bridge, the ferry
was extremely popular with cars and motorbikes.

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