074 Cycle Touring Malaysia (2)

(Leana) #1

(^72) Penang

Working on the blog occupied me as I desperately wanted to finish it
before departing Malaysia. At around midday, I collected my passport
and then updated the blog. A saunter around town revealed the town
buzzing with the Hungry Ghost Festival. The festival lasted roughly
two weeks and occurred during June/July (Chinese calendar).
Not all areas celebrate the festival simultaneously—in some places
festivities were already finished, while others had just started. In
Penang, giant joss sticks were burning, food stands were everywhere,
and live performances created a festive atmosphere.

I emerged to pouring rain and waited a while, but the rain never
subsided. In the meantime, I met fascinating people at the Love Lane
Inn hostel. At least five of them were travelling by motorbike. A
French guy was travelling on an Australian “Postie”, an Indian chap
was on a motorbike, and so was the French couple. The Australian
travelled using local motorbikes, buying and selling them as he went
along. Taking them across borders was far too costly. I thus stayed
and had a couple of beers with the other travellers.

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