Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1


l.(2vols., Paris, 1952).

  1. V. P. Lystsov, Persidskiipokhod Petra I, 1722-1723 (Moscow, 1951), pp. 15-17.

  2. Jange-e dah sdleh yajange-e avval-e Iran ba Rus (Tehran, 1315 Shamsi/1936-1937)
    and Jang-e Iran va Rus 1826-1828 (Tehran, 1314 Shamsi/1934-1935).

  3. Tarikh-e ravdbet-e siyasi-ye Iran va Inglis dar qarn-e nuzdahom-e miladi (Tehran,
    1336 Shamsi/ 1957-1958).

  4. D. M. Lang, The Last Years of the Georgian Monarchy, 1658-1832 (New York,
    1957); L. H. Rhinelander, Jr., "The Incorporation of the Caucasus into the Russian Empire:
    The Case of Georgia, 1801-1854," Ph.D. dissertation (Columbia University, 1972); G. A.
    Bournoutian, "Eastern Armenia on the Eve of the Russian Conquest: The Khanate of Ere-
    van under the Governorship of Hoseyn Qoli Khan Qajar, 1807-1827," Ph.D. dissertation
    (University of California at Los Angeles, 1976); F. Kazemzadeh has discussed Russian in-
    volvement in the Caucasus since the fifteenth century in "Russian Penetration of the Cau-
    casus," T. Hunczak, ed., Russian Imperialism from Ivan the Great to the Revolution (New
    Brunswick, 1974), pp. 239-63.


  1. Catherine to V. A. Zubov (commander of the 1796 Russian expedition), February
    19, 1796, N. F. Dubrovin, Istoriia voiny i vladychestva russkikh na Kavkaze (6 vols., St.
    Petersburg, 1871-1888), II, 69-78.

  2. Manifesto of March 27, 1796, Dubrovin, III, 125-29.

  3. S. M. Bronevskii (expediter of the Asian Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
    "Zapiska kasatel'no nekotorykh vnushenii koi nebespoleznym pochitaetsia dovesti do sve-
    deniia Abbas-mirzy" (No later than April 10 [22], 1807), VPR, III, 553.


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