Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin
- Session of the State Council, October 25, 1798, and Skibinevskii's memorandum,
1798, and Skibinevskii's memorandum, Session of the State Council, October 25, 1798,
ACS, II, columns 681-83, 684-86, 704-5; Paul to Skibinevskii, July 27, 1800, Akty, I 678;
Dubrovin, II, 200.
- She st' pis em of Gruzii i o Kavkaze (Moscow, 1834); Podvigi Russkikh voinov v
stranakh Kavkazskikh s 1800 po 1834g. (2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1835); Kartina Kavkazskago
kraia (4 vols., St. Petersburg, 1834-1835).
- Meetings of the Secret Committee, August 13, 1801, March 31, 1802, Grandduke
Nikolai Mikhailovich, ed., Graf Pavel Aleksandrovich Stroganov (3 vols., St. Petersburg,
1903), II, 92, 205; Kochubei to Alexander, August 13, 1802, AKV, XIV, 176-78; V. A. Zu-
bov, "Obshchee obozrenie torgovli s Azieiu," Russki arkhiv, 1873, book I, column 888; Du-
brovin, III, 418-19.
- Zubov, "Obshchee obozrenie," columns 885-87, 888 , 892.
- Alexander to P. D. Tsitsianov, September 26, 1802, Akty, II, 8.
- Alexander to Ermolov, July 29, 1816, ibid., VI, part ii, 124.
- Report of A. R. Vorontsov and V. P. Kochubei to State Council. June 24, 1801,
ACS, III, part ii, column 1201.
- Session of the State Council, August 8, 1801, ACS, III, part ii, columns 1196-97;
meeting of the Secret Committee, August 13, 1801, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Stroganov, II, 93;
Knorring to Alexander, July 28, 1801, Akty, I, 426; Butkov, II, 475-79; Lang, pp. 247-49.
- Sessions of the State Council, December 17, 1800 and April 11, 1801, and report
of A. R. Vorontsov and V. P. Kochubei, ACS, II, column 882, III part ii, columns 1189-90,
1203; Musin-Pushkin to Tsitsianov, February 22,1804, A. P. Tormasov (commander-in-chief
in the Caucasus) to Active State Counsellor Gur'ev, May 5, 1811, Akty, II, 204, IV, 69; But-
kov, II, 502.
- Sessions of the State Council, October 25, 1798, and December 17, 1800 , ACS,
II, columns 726, 831-32; Paul to sardar Baba Khan (Fath 'Ali Shah), March 23, 179 9, and
Paul to P. I. Kovalenskii (Russian political agent in Georgia), April 16, 1799, and Paul to the
khans of Yerevan, Qarabagh, and Ganjeh, August 3, 1800, and Paul to Knorring, January 23,
1801, and College of Foreign Affairs to Skibinevskii, July 27, 1800, and College of Foreign
Affairs to Kovalenskii, April 16, 1799, Akty, II, 1145, I, 94-95, 108-9,414, 680, II, 1149;
Paul to Gudovich, January 5, 1797, Dubrovin, III, 200; A. V. Fadeev, Rossiia i Kavkaz, per-
voi treti XIX v. (Moscow, 1960), p. 70.
- Paul to V. P. Orlov, January 12, 1801, N. K. Shil'der, Imperator Pavel Pervyi (St.
Petersburg, 1901), p. 418.
- Paul to Gudovich, January 5, 1797, Dubrovin, III, 199.
- N. E. Saul, Russia and the Mediterranean, 1797-1807 (Chicago, 1970), p. 144.
- College of Foreign Affairs to Kovalenskii, April 16, 1799, and Paul to Ebrahim
Khalil Khan of Qarabagh, May 2, 1797, and Lazarev to Kalb 'Ali Khan of Nakhjavan, March
22, 1801, and Knorring to Lazarev, December 15, 1800, Akty, I, 94, II, 1143, I, 62 4, 630.
- Paul to Kovalenskii, January 23, 1801, ibid., I, 414.
- Paul to Gudovich, January 5, 1797, Dubrovin, III, 199-200.
- Knorring to Paul, April 11, 1800, and Kovalenskii's observations of Georgia, Aug-
ust 1800, Akty, I, 678, 113.
- Paul to Kovalenskii, April 16, 1799, and Paul to Skibinevskii, July 27, 180 0, and
Paul to sardar Baba Khan, March 23, 1799, ibid., I, 96, 678, II, 1145.
- Kovalenskii's observations on Georgia, and Paul to Kovalenskii, April 16, 1799,
and Lieutenant Merabov (Paul's emissary to Fath 'Ali) to Kovalenskii, July 1800, and La-
zarev to Knorring, August 25, 1800, ibid. I, 113,95,11, 1161,1, 142.
172 Notes