Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

  1. M. S. Vorontsov to S. R. Vorontsov, October 12, 1804, AKV, XXXVI, 98; J. von
    Klaproth, Tableau historique, geographique et ethnographique du Caucase et des provinces
    limitrophes entre la Russie et la Perse (Paris, 1827), p. 110; Baddeley, p. 95; Sokolov to A.
    R. Vorontsov, 1802, and Lofitsskii to Alexander, April 30, 1806, Akty, II, 5-6, III, 3-7;
    Beliavskii and Potto, II, 277-82; Dobrovin, V, 421-22, 454;J. -B. Dumas, ed., Un Fourrier
    de Napoleon vers I'lnde, les papiers du Lieutenant-General Trezel, 2nd ed. (Paris, 1915), p. 80.

  2. Tsitsianov to Alexander, July 1, 1805, and Gudovich to Alexander, January 11,
    1809, Akty, II, 835, III, 510: Beliavskii and Potto, I, 87; Dubrovin, VI, 24; Potto, I, 419,

  3. Gudovich to Nesvataev, August 2, 1806, and Nesvataev to Gudovich, August 9,
    1806, and Guodvich to Alexander, October 29 and December 11, 1808, and Gudovich to
    Major-General Akhverdov, October 25, 1808, Akty, III, 88-89, 243-46, 252-55, 241;
    Caulaincourt to Napoleon, February 22, 1809, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Relations diplomatiques,
    III, 100-101; R. Strachey, "Diary of a Journey from Moscow to the Caucasus" (1806),
    Somerset Record Office, vol. VII; Dumas, p. 75; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 251-57, 303-6.

  4. (There is one report that 'Abbas Mirza arranged the murder of a Russian who had
    served as an officer in the Iranian army when that man announced his intention to return to
    Russia after the war.) Captain Charles Christie (head of the infantry in "Abbas's British-trained
    army) to General John Malcolm (ambassador from the governor-general in Bengal to Iran),
    October 16, 1810, India Office, Home Miscellaneous Series, 736, pp. 318-19; W. Price,
    "Journal of the Embassy to Persia" (The Ouseley mission), British Museum, Additional
    Manuscripts, 19,270, f. 70; C. Masson, journal of his trip to Iran (1830), India Office, Mis-
    cellaneous European Manuscripts, E 163 (Masson Manuscripts, "Journals and Travels," II),
    f. 31; Porter, Travels in Georgia, I, 349; P. M. R. Aucher-Eloy, Relations de voyages en
    Orient de 1830 a 1838, P. A. Jaubert, ed. (Paris, 1843), pp. 415-16; R. C. M. (R. C. Money),
    Journal of a Tour in Persia during the Years 1824 and 1825 (London, 1828), pp. 151-52;
    J. M. Tancoigne, A Narrative of a Journey into Persia (London, 1820), p. 317; Keppel, p.
    272; T. B. Armstrong, Journal of Travels in the Seat of War (London, 1831), p. 112; A.
    Dupre, Voyage en Perse fait dans les annees 1807, 1808, et 1809 (2 vols., Paris, 1819), II,
    p. 234; Nesvetaev to Gudovich, November 4, 1807, and Rtishchev to Gorchakov, January 9,
    1813, and Rtishchev to Rumiantsev, July 31, 1813, Akty, III, 236, V, 698, 727; Dubrovin,
    IV, 446-47; Beliavskii and Potto, II, 298, 476, n. 1.

  5. Tsitsianov to Czartoryski, July 10, 1804, and Gudovich to Alexander, September
    15, 1807, and Gudovich to Rumiantsev, September 15,1807, and Tormasov to the minister
    of war, January 16, 1811, Akty, II, 1030, III, 100, 707, IV, 187-89; Beliaveskii and Potto,
    I, 197, II, 270-71, 296; Dubrovin, IV, 436-37, V, 19, 228-29, 234.

  6. W. Hollingberry, A Journal of Observations Made during the British Embassy to
    the Court of Persia in the Years 1799, 1800 and 1801 (Calcutta, 1814), p. 83; G. Drouville,
    Voyage en Perse fait en 1812 et 1813, Isted. (2 vols., St. Petersburg, 1819), II, 104, 1 11-12;
    Malcolm, History of Persia, II, 496; J. -E. Driault, "La Mission Gardanne en Perse (1807-

  1. d'apres les Archives nationales et les Archives du ministere des affaires etrangeres,"
    Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, II (1900-1901), 132; M. S. Vorontsov to S. R.
    Vorontsov, October 12, 1804, AKV, XXXVI, 99; J. J. Morier, Journey through Persia, Ar-
    menia and Asia Minor to Constantinople (London, 1812), p. 281; Tancoigne, pp. 152 , 246-
    47; Dupre, II, 291-93; Pakravan, I, 158; Drouville, 1st ed., II, 107-14;W. Freygang and F.
    K. Freygang, Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia (London, 1823), p. 271.

  1. A. Gardane, Mission du General Gardane en Perse sous le premier empire (Paris,
    1865), p. 226; Morier, "Diary," IV, f. 117; Rtishchev to Gorchakov, January 6 and 19, April
    9, 1813, Akty,V, 697,698, 710-11; Campbell, pp. 227-28; Bournoutian,pp. 15-17 et passim.

Notes 179
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