Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

1809, and Jones to Robert Dundas, July 17, 1809, P&PGFR, XXV, 197-98, XXVI, 180-82,
295-96,310-1 l;Cormick to Malcolm, May 1, 1812, India Office, Home Miscellaneous Series,
736, p. 438; C. Gardane to Champagny, October 25, 1808, Gardane, Mission, p. 21 0; Belan-
ger, II, 373, 396, 402-2; Debidour, p. 343; Drouville, 1st ed., II 125, 129, 135, 139-40; A.
Delrieu, "Une Ambassade francaise alacourde Perse sous 1'empire 1808," Revue britannique,
XX (1854), 200;Jones, Transactions, I, 309, 355, 390-91 ;Morier, Second Journey, pp. 211-
15, 311;Morier, "Diary," LV, f. 48; Malcolm, History of Persia, II, 499-500.

  1. Napoleon to Path 'Ali, January 17, 1807, Archives Nationales, AF IV, 1705, dos-
    sier 1.

  2. Gudovich to Budberg, September 17, 1806, and Alexander to Gudovich, October
    4, 1806, Akty, III, 419,420-21.

  3. Path 'Ali to Napoleon, 1807, andC. Gardane to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, April
    5 and 24, 1808, and C. Gardane, precis of audience with Path 'All, May 4, 1808, MAE, IX,
    ff. 218-19, X, ff. 4, 17-19, 27; C. Gardane to Champagny, June 2, 1808, and C. Gardane,
    precis of an audience with Path 'Ali, February 8, 1809, Gardane, Mission, pp. 167-70, 275-
    77; Champagny to Caulaincourt, February 23, 1809, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Relations diplo-
    matiques, VII, 105; copy of a declaration by C. Gardane to the Iranian government, Decem-
    ber 17, 1807, P&PGFR, XXVI, 113; Driault, pp. 126, 135, 142, 145, 148, 152.

  4. Napoleon to Path 'Ali, January 17 and March 14, 1807, MAE, IX, ff. 103-4;
    memorandum by S. M. Bronevskii, n.d. (no later than April 1807), VPR, III, 553-55; Nesve-
    taev to Glazenap, July 18, 1806, and Gudovich to Budberg, December 6, 1806, and Nesve-
    taev to Gudovich, September 19, 1807, and Gudovich to Major Stepanov (bearer of a letter
    from Gudovich to the shah), February 12, 1807, and Gudovich to Rumiantsev, March 7,
    1808, and Budberg to Gudovich, March 8 and April 21, 1807, and Gudovich to 'Abbas,
    March 25, 1808, and Rumiantsev to Gudovich, December 20, 1807, and Gudovich to Alex-
    ander, October 29, 1808, and 'Abbas to Gudovich, n.d. (1808), and Mirza Shafi' to Gudo-
    vich, n.d. (1808), and Rumiantsev to Gudovich, August 4, 1808, and Gudovich to Rumiant-
    sev, September 2, 1808, Akty, III, 416-17, 425-26, 235, 430, 432, 435-36, 444-46, 242,
    449-51, 456-60, 461-64, 485-86.

  5. Felix Lajard (third secretary of the Gardane mission) to Champagny, November
    17, 1808, and Joseph Jouannin (French consul in Iran) to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
    August 21, 1809, and Path 'Ali to Napoleon, 1809, and C. Gardane, precis of an audience
    with Path 'Ali, January 24, 1809, and Path 'Ali to Napoleon, February 16, 1809, MAE,
    X, f. 384, XI, ff. 29-31, 84-85, XII, ff. 151-53, 216-20; Champagny to Napoleon, Novem-
    ber 8, 1808, Archives Nationales, AF IV, 1697, dossier 5, 1686, dossier 1; Caulaincourt to
    Napoleon, February 20, 1808, and Caulaincourt to Champagny, August 9, 1808, Nikolai
    Mikhailovich, Relations diplomatiques, I, 153-54, II, 271-72; Jones to Canning, April 4,
    1809, FO 60/2.

  6. Charles Pasley (member of Malcolm's 1808 mission) to Edmonstone, August 18,
    1808, and Malcolm to Minto, August 15, 1808, and Minto to Malcolm, August 12, 1808,
    FO 248/2,101-29, 248/3, 29-49, 248/9,68-89;Malcolm to Jones, March 15, 1810, FO 60/3.

  7. Jones to Minto, May 18, 1809, and Mirza Shafi' to Canning, n.d. (1809), FO
    60/2; Jones to Minto, November 3, 1808, FO 248/11; preliminary treaty between Britain
    and Iran, March 12, 1809, Aitchison, XII, 45-46;Jones, Transactions, I, 136-37, 139.

  8. Minutes of a meeting between James Morier (member of the Jones mission) and
    Path 'Ali on April 9, 1809, and Jones to Canning, May 2 and August 28, 1809, and Jones
    to Minto, December 10, 1809, and Mirza Shafi' and Mirza Bozorg to Jones, n.d. (1809),
    and Mirza Bozorg to Jones, n.d. (1810), and Malcolm to the Secret Committee, May 20,
    1810, and Malcolm to Jones, March 3, 1810, FO 60/2, 3, 4; Jones to Robert Dundas,
    March 16, 1809, and Jones to Minto, July 3, 1809, and Dr. Andrew Jukes (translator
    for the Jones mission) to Pasley, April 19, 1809, and Minto to Path 'Ali, January 30,

Notes 183
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