Russia and Iran, 1780-1828 - Muriel Atkin

(Martin Jones) #1

Akty, III, 350, 703, IV, 96, 489-90, 651, 648-49, 652-53, V, 18-19, 118, 130, 201; Gamba,

  1. Budberg to Gudovich, December 4, 1806, and Gudovich to minister of education,
    July 27, 1807, and Gudovich to Kurakin, April 11, 1809, and anonymous secret report on
    Elizavetpol', 1812, and Rozen to Chernyshev, July 31, 1832, Akty, III, 351, 27, 359, V,
    543, VIII,496; A.Haxthausen, Transcaucasia (London, 1854), pp. 183, 442, 442 n.; Gamba,
    II, 294; Henry Willock (British charge d'affaires in Iran) to George Canning (foreign minister),
    November 24, 1823, India Office, Political and Secret, Persia, XXXVI, 27; Qarabaghi, p. 59;
    Javanshir, pp. 61-62; Bakikhanov, pp. x-xi; Klaproth, Tableau historique, p. 149, Kh. Kh.
    Stewen, "Memoire sur les provinces qui avoisinent le Caucase, tire du voyage fait au Caucase
    en 1810 par le conseller de college Stewen," Le Moniteur universel, February 28, 1812, p.
    240;Mil'man,p. 69; Guseinov et al., II, 20-21, 29-32; Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Institut Istorii,
    Kolonial'naia politika Rossiiskogo tsarisma v Azerbaidzhane v 20-60-kh gg. XIX v. (2 vols.,
    Moscow, 1936-1937), I, 9.

  2. Gudovich to State Treasurer Golubtsev, October 17, 1807, and Gudovich to Trea-
    sury Expedition (of Georgian administration), May 8, 1808, and Gudovich to Akhverdov,
    February 26, 1806, and Gudovich to Mostafa Khan of Shirvan, December 16, 1806, and
    Aseev to Gudovich, July 19, 1808, and Gudovich to Mahdi Qoli Khan of Qarabagh, Febru-
    ary 13, 1809, and Gudovich to Nesvetaev, May 9, 1808, and Tormasov to Aseev, April 22,
    1809, and Aseev to Tormasov, August 15 and September 28, 1810, and Major General StaF
    to Paulucci, September 30, 1811, and Ja'far Qoli Khan of Shakki to Paulucci, n.d. (1812),
    and Lisanevich to Rtishchev, October 7, 1812, and Rtishchev to 'Abbas Mirza, May 8, 1815,
    Akty, III, 228-30, 299, 347, 467, IV, 489, 562-63, 566, V, 115, 125, 676, 759; Strachey,
    "Diary," VIII (pages unnumbered); Gamba, II, 159; Dupre, II, 265; Morier, "Diary," IV,
    f. 85, and Second Journey, pp. 227-28; Dubrovin, VI, 49; Beliavskii and Potto, I, 156;
    Guseinov et al., II, 22-23; Bournoutian, pp. 51, 58, 68.

  3. Petition of the Muslim inhabitants of Tiflis (Tbilisi), n.d., and Tsitsianov to the
    akhund (low-level religious leader) of Elizavetpol', May 14, 1805, and anonymous secret
    report on Elizavetpol', 1812, Akty, II, 285, V, 542; Henry Willock to George Canning,
    November 24, 1823, India Office, Political and Secret, Persia, XXXVI, 27-28; Gordon, f.
    19; Porter, Travels in Georgia, I, 122; Alcock, pp. 31, 34; Keppel, p. 290; A. M., "Slove-
    nost' Shakh Gusein," Sevemaia Pchela (1830), #112, #113 (pages unnumbered); I. Bere-
    zin,Puteshestvie po Dagestanu i Zakavkaz'iu (Kazan, 1850), part II, 37-38, part III, 18.

  4. Gur'ev to Gudovich, March 7, 1808, and Repin to Tormasov, February 7, 1811,
    and Tormasov to Captain Veselago (of the Caspian fleet), February 11, 1810, and Rtishchev
    to Alexander, July 30, 1813, Akty, III, 358, IV, 92, 752-53, V, 340-41; K. Arsen'ev, Nach-
    ertanie statistiki Rossiiskago gosudarstva (2 parts, St. Petersburg, 1818), part I, 162-63; Be-
    langer, II, 83-85; Berezin, part I, 11, III, 114; E. de Cazales, "Des Etablissemens russes dans
    1'Asie occidentale—guerres du Caucase," Revue des deux mondes, III (1838), pp. 601-2;
    Klaproth, Tableau historique, pp. 115, 117, 149, 169-70; Gamba, II, 149-50, 305, 328; M.
    K. Rozhkova, "Iz istorii ekonomicheskoi politiki Rossiiskogo Tsarizma v Zakavkaz'e," Is-
    torisheskie zapiski, XVIII (1946), 169.

  5. Nessel'rode's thoughts on establishing a border with Persia," n.d. (probably 1816),
    and Alexander's instructions to Ermolov, July 29, 1816, and Ermolov to Alexander, January
    9,1817, and Nessel'rode to Ermolov, March 13 and May 25,1817, and Ermolov to Nessel'rode,
    October 1817, Akty, VI, part 2, 117, 122-27,142, 147-48, 151, 177-79;J. E. Alexander,
    Travels from India to England (London, 1827), pp. 271-74; Claudius James Rich (company
    resident in Baghdad) to Secret Department (India), January 2, 1818, and Rich to president
    and governor in council (India), October 26, 1819, India Office, Political and Secret, Persia,
    XXXIII, 29, 223a-24a.

186 Notes
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