
(Greg DeLong) #1

102 103


Managing state finance

Open market operations: selling bonds
The central bank sells bonds back to the market in exchange for money, causing
investors to make withdrawals to buy the bonds, lowering the amount of money
in the banking system. Commercial banks respond by raising interest rates.

Decreasing money in circulation


the year that the

oldest central bank

in the world, the

Swedish Riksbank,

was established

Higher interest rates make central
bank loans more expensive

The central bank sells
bonds to investors




$ $

$ $

$ $

Investors withdraw money
from banks to buy bonds

Less money

Commercial banks’
reserves decrease

Higher interest
rates paid

Commercial banks’
reserves decrease

Higher interest rates
make loans more expensive

Higher interest rates
make loans more expensive



Less money

Credit guidance
The central bank’s control of
commercial banks’ licences helps
it to influence how those banks
lend. It can, for example, give them
incentives to offer very low interest
rates to important sectors of
the economy.

Open market operations
The central bank buys and sells
bonds in the open market to affect
the short-term rates of interest.
Credit access
The central bank can restrict
commercial banks’ access to credit,
for example by raising the amount of
deposits they must hold as reserves.


Raising the reserve (base) rate of interest
The central bank can curtail commercial banks’ lending to the public by raising its
reserve rate of interest. This makes it more expensive for commercial banks to borrow
from central bank reserves. Commercial banks in turn raise interest rates for borrowers.

Central bank Investors in Commercial banks General public Money supply
government bonds

Central bank Commercial banks General public Money supply

US_102-103_How_CB_dictates.indd 103 13/10/2016 16:18

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