
(Greg DeLong) #1

The money market

Who uses the money market
The primary function of the money market is for banks and
other investors with liquid assets to gain a return on their
cash or loans. They provide borrowers such as other banks,
brokerages, and hedge funds with quick access to short-
term funding. The money market is dominated by
professional investors, although retail investors with more
than $50,000 can also invest. Smaller deposits can be
invested via money market funds. Banks and companies
use the financial instruments traded on the money market
for different reasons, and they carry different risks.

How it works
The money market exists to provide the loans that
financial institutions and governments need to carry
out their day-to-day operations. For instance, banks
may sometimes need to borrow in the short term to
fulfill their obligations to their customers, and they use
the money market to do so.
For example, most deposit accounts have a relatively
short notice period and allow customers access to
their money either immediately, or within a few days
or weeks. Because of this short notice period, banks
cannot make long-term commitments with all of the
money they hold on deposit. They need to ensure that
a proportion of it is liquid (easily accessible) in market
terms. Otherwise, if a large number of customers wish
to withdraw their money at the same time, there may
be a shortfall between the money the bank has lent
and the cash deposits it needs to return to savers.
Banks may also find that they have greater demand
for mortgages or loans than they do for savings
accounts at certain times. This creates a mismatch
between the money they have available and the money
they have loaned out, so the bank will need to borrow
in order to be able to fulfill the demand for loans.

Banks and companies use the money market to buy
and sell financial assets that have short maturity
dates, and that are easy and quick to exchange.

If demand for long-term loans
and mortgages is not covered
by deposits from savings
accounts, banks may then issue
certificates of deposit, with a
set interest rate and fixed-term
maturity of up to five years.

When companies need to
raise money to cover their
payroll or running costs,
they may issue commercial
unsecured loans for
$100,000 or more that
mature within 1−9 months.






Money market




US_056-057_Money_market.indd 56 07/11/2016 11:22

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