The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and the Near East

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s.GAZ(&apiru), 69, 155
Sakellariou, M. B., 20
Salatiwara, 101—2, 119
Sala warriors, 69, 228
Sanskrit, 4, 9, 28, 36-37, 52, 59, 61,
121, 183—84
Sargon of Akkad, 56
Sargon II, 113
Schachermeyr, Fritz, 107, 162, 165,

  1. J74. J75> 180
    Scherer, Anton, 27
    Schliemann, Heinrich, 8, 12, 22—23,
    158, 167, 205
    Schmidt, Wilhelm, 128
    Schmokel, Hartmut, 124
    Schrader, Otto, 122, 123
    Scythians, 128
    sea, PIE speakers' travel by, 181—84,
    Sea Peoples, 205
    Sevan, Lake, 36, 115-18, I57n
    Shaft-Grave Dynasty (Mycenae): 23,
    158—61, 170—76, 178—80; foreign
    trade connections, 179-81; skeletal
    evidence, 158, 170-71
    shaft graves (Mycenae): 22—23, 45, 171;
    chronology, 23n, i59n. See also Grave
    Circle A; Grave Circle B
    Shamshi-Adad I, 56, 99, 112
    Shulgi, 83, 106, 143, 145
    Shuttarna I, 61
    Sippar, 98
    Smith, Sidney, 137
    Snodgrass, Anthony, 207—8, 213, 214—
    Sommer, Ferdinand, 14—15, 53
    South Greek (East Greek), 38—41, 193,
    208—14, 2I5. 222-24
    "south Russian hypothesis," 26-28,
    123—24, 126, 130, 132
    Sparta, 186, 195
    Spengler, Oswald, 124
    spoked wheel, 84—85, 97—98, no, 118
    Sprachgeographie, 38
    Strabo, 112
    Stubbings, Frank, 173—74, 180
    Sturtevant, E. H., 51
    Sumerians, 55, 143, 147; horses of, 83,
    143, 145; wheeled vehicles of, 78-
    79, inn, 134, 143, 147
    Syunik, rock carvings of, 118

Szemerenyi, Oswald, 183—84
Taanach, 60
Table of Nations (Genesis 10), 64
Tacitus, 190
takeovers, 56-63, 72, 153-57, : 72 >
186, 192, 194-95, :98, 215-16,
Taylor, Isaac, 5n, 122
Telipinus, 70—71, 104
Tepe Hissar, 97n
Terramara sites, 199
Thebes (Boeotian), 187
Thebes (Egyptian), 57, 84
Themelis, Petros, 189
Theochares, Dimitrios, 191
Therapne, 186
Thessaly, 3, 29, 40, 190—94, 211—12,
Thirl wall, Connop, 3
tholoi, 162—63, 185—88, 190, 191, 200
Thomas, Homer, 28, 29, 131
Thorikos, 187—88, 189, 190
Thucydides, 204, 205
Thutmose III, 92
Tiglath-Pileser I, 113
Timber-Grave Culture, 81, g6n, 190
Tiryns, 162
Tocharians, 117
Togarmah (Til-Garimmu), 113
Trans Caucasia. See Armenia; Early
Trans-Caucasian culture
Trialeti steppe, 115—16
Tripolye Culture, 75n, 80
Troy, 12, 81—82, 94
Tsountas, Christos, 21
Tudhaliyas II, 104
tumuli, 185, 187—90, 200
Tushratta, 150, 154
Umman Manda, 226—30
Ur, 55; horses at, 83; sea traffic from,
1830; Standard, 78
Urartian (language), 48, I57n
Urartu, 48, 113
Urshu: "Siege of Urshu," 105, 227
Vaphio, 161, 185
Vedas, 61
Ventris, Michael, 16, 169
Vermeule, Emily, 171, 179
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