Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History

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Gender and family: classical age

60 Fukutō, Ie seiritsushi no kenkyū; Fukutō, “ ‘Ie’ no seiritsu to jendā.” Wakita Haruko’s English- language
“Marriage and Property in Premodern Japan from the Perspective of Women’s History,” and Suzanne
Gay’s introduction to that article, provide a useful overview and historiography of premodern Japanese
women’s property rights.
61 Kobayashi Shōji, Nihon kodai no sonraku to nōmin shikai; Yoshie, Nihon kodai joseishiron; Yoshie Akiko,
“Gender in Early Classical Japan: Marriage, Leadership, and Political Status in Village and Palace.”
62 Kawane, “Seikatsu no henka to josei no shakaiteki chii.”; Fukutō, “ ‘Ie’ no seiritsu to jendā.”
63 The materialistic view of history proposed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels greatly influenced these
Japanese historians specialized in the history of Japanese state formation. For an English translation of
Engels’ original work, see Friedrich Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.


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