Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Art of Loving, The (Fromm), 231, 233
artificial selection (Buss), 431
Association for the Advancement of
Psychoanalysis (AAP), 173, 230–231
attachment theory
of Bowlby, 159–160, 163–166
in evolutionary theory (Buss), 443
in existential psychology (May), 346–348
attention, 499
attitude (Jung), 122–124, 126t
Authoritarian Personality, The (Adorno), 250
authoritarianism (Fromm), 237, 246–247,
in autonomy versus shame and doubt,
204 f, 207
functional (Allport), 365–368, 475
of self-actualizing people, 274, 278
awareness, 298–300
B-love (Maslow), 278
B-values (Maslow), 271, 272–273
baby-tender (Skinner), 462
Bandura, Albert, 494–527. See also social
cognitive theory (Bandura)
biography, 495, 496–497
critique, 523–524
publications, 497, 521
basic anxiety. See also anxiety
in holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow), 263
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 228,
237, 252
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
171, 175–177, 179–180, 179f
basic conflict (Horney), 179–180, 179f, 182 t
basic hostility (Horney), 171, 175–177, 179f
basic strength (Erikson), 203, 206, 207, 209,
210, 212, 213–214, 216–217
basic tendencies (McCrae & Costa), 393–394,
basic trust versus basic mistrust, 203, 204f,
Behavior of Organisms, The (Skinner), 461
behavior-outcome expectancy, 557
behavior potential (BP, Rotter), 532–533
behavior prediction, 553
behavioral analysis (Skinner), 458–493
concept of humanity, 490–492
conditioning, 466–475, 485–489
critique of Skinner, 489–490
human organism, 475–483
overview, 458–460
precursors, 463–464
psychotherapy, 484–485
related research, 485–489
scientific behaviorism, 458–460,
unhealthy personality, 483–484
behavioral approach system (BAS), 488–489
behavioral inhibition system (BIS), 488–489
Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral
Activation System Scales
(BIS/BAS), 489
behavioral production, 499–500
behavioral signature of personality
(Mischel), 553
behaviorism, 458–460, 464–466
being-in-the-world (Dasein), 329–330

in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 26, 37–38
in social cognitive theory (Bandura),
517–518, 521–523
in agreeableness/hostility (Buss), 441
costs and benefits, 445t
in Five-Factor Theory, 389, 391t, 392
alchemy, 130
Allport, Gordon W., 354–381. See also
psychology of the individual (Allport)
biography, 355, 356–358
critique, 378–379
Sigmund Freud and, 355, 356–357,
359, 365
Jenny Gove Masterson (case), 357,
370–372, 372t
publications, 357, 369, 370–372
Marion Taylor (case), 357, 369–370
alternative niche specialization (Buss), 443
American Academy of Psychotherapists, 294
American Association for Applied
Psychology, 294
American Psychological Association (APA),
261, 294, 295, 327, 388, 463, 497
anal character (Freud), 44
anal phase (Freud), 44–45
anal triad (Freud), 44
anal-urethral-muscular mode (Erikson),
analytical psychology (Jung), 104–141
archetypes, 105, 112–120, 132, 140–141
concept of humanity, 121, 140–141
critique of Jung, 138–140
dynamics of personality, 121–122
levels of the psyche, 110–120, 132
methods of investigation, 130–135
overview, 105–106
psychological types, 122–126, 126t
psychotherapy, 134–135
related research, 135–138
stages of personality development,
127–130, 127f
anarchic phase of childhood, 127
Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, The
(Fromm), 231, 234
anima archetype (Jung), 105, 115–116
animal research
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 466–475
in evolutionary personality theory, 450–453
animus archetype (Jung), 116
Anna O (case of Breuer), 24, 134
annoyers, 464
anthropological perspective
in holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow), 260
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson),
199, 201, 218
anxiety. See also basic anxiety
in existential psychology (May), 327,
in person-centered theory (Rogers), 301
in personal construct theory (Kelly),
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 38–39, 55
anxious-avoidant attachment, 161, 164,
anxious-resistant attachment, 161, 164
archetypes (Jung), 105, 112–120, 132,

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate
figures. Those followed by t indicate

abnormal development/maladjustment
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 483–484
in biological factor theory (Eysenck), 415,
416 f, 417, 419–422, 423
in cognitive social learning theory (Rotter),
in existential psychology (May), 342
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm),
241–243, 246–247
in individual psychology (Adler), 85–90
in person-centered theory (Rogers),
in personal construct theory (Kelly),
in social cognitive theory (Bandura),
acceptance of self and others, 273
accusation (Adler), 88
Achilles myth, 117–118
activation-synthesis theory, 61–62
active imagination (Jung), 133–134
actualizing tendency (Rogers), 296–297
adaptations (Buss), 432, 436, 437–439,
Adler, Alfred, 70–103. See also individual
psychology (Adler)
biography, 71, 72–75, 91
critique, 101–102
Sigmund Freud and, 71–75, 80, 87–88,
90–91, 90t, 94–95, 123–124
publications, 73–74
in psychosexual development stages
(Freud), 43, 50–51
in psychosocial development stages
(Erikson), 204f, 210–212, 217t, 221–223
temperament in, 448–449
youth stage (Jung), 127f, 128
adoption studies, 397, 410, 450
Adult Attachment Questionnaire, 165
attachment theory in, 163–166
mature personality (Allport), 359–361,
maturity stage (Freud), 43, 51
middle life stage (Jung), 127f, 128
object relations theory in, 162–163
old age stage (Jung), 127f, 129
in psychosexual development stages
(Freud), 43, 51
in psychosocial development stages
(Erikson), 204f, 214–215, 217t, 222–223
aesthetic needs (Maslow), 266
affection/affection needs, 176, 178, 538,
affective responses, in cognitive-affective
personality theory (Mischel), 558–559
agape, 338
agentic perspective, 495–496
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 234
in individual psychology (Adler), 76, 88
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
179 f, 180–181, 182t

Subject Index

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