Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Subject Index S-3

diffuse responsibility, 516
Dimensions of Personality (Eysenck), 412
discriminant validity, 16–17
disdain, 216–217
disengagement of internal control
(Bandura), 514
Disgust Sensitivity scale, 346
disorganization, in person-centered theory
(Rogers), 302–303
displace responsibility, 516
displacement (Freud), 40, 54–55
Dispositional Positive Emotions Scale
(DPES), 401
dispositional theories, 8, 9t
dispositions (Allport), 362–363
distortion (Rogers), 302
divergent validity, 16–17
dominance needs, 537
dopamine system, 59
Downstate Medical School, State University
of New York, 74
dream analysis
in analytical psychology (Jung), 105, 113,
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 480–481
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 244
in individual psychology (Adler), 94–95
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 24–26, 53,
54–56, 61–63, 66, 107, 108, 145, 258
dream-rebound effect, 62–63
drive toward a vindictive triumph, 184
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 478
in object relations theory, 146–147
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 36–38
dualistic phase of childhood, 128
dynamic processes (McCrae & Costa),
393, 394f
dystonic element (Erikson), 203
early childhood (Erikson), 203f, 204 f,
206–207, 217t
early experiential calibration, 443
Early Memories Test, 61
early recollections (ERs, Adler), 92–94,
98–99, 99t
efficient perception of reality, 273
in analytical psychology (Jung), 110
in object relations theory (Klein), 152–153
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson), 200–203
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 31, 32f,
33–34, 35f, 59–60
Ego and the Id, The (Freud), 65
ego-ideal (Freud), 34, 200–201
ego identity (Erikson), 200–201, 204, 209,
Eigenwelt, 330, 331f, 334, 335, 336, 342, 343,
elaborative choice (Kelly), 592
Electra complex, 48
Emerging Lives, Enduring Dispositions
(McCrae & Costa), 388
emotional stability (Buss), 441
emotional states, 508–509
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 478
in evolutionary theory (Buss), 440
in trait and factor theories, 401–404
empathic listening (Rogers), 306
empirical law of effect (Rotter), 532

Cry for Myth, The (May), 340–341
cultural evolution (Skinner), 476–477
collective efficacy (Bandura), 496, 509–510
cultural evolution (Skinner), 476–477
ego identity status across cultures, 221–222
estrangement and alienation (Fromm),
in psychoanalytic social theory (Horney),
D-love (deficiency love, Maslow), 278
Dasein (being-in-the-world), 329–330
death instinct, 148, 149
fear of, 129, 134, 332, 344–349
mortality salience/awareness, 344–349
necrophilia, 242, 243, 243f, 246–247
nonbeing/nothingness, 330–332
deductive method, 7, 384
defense mechanisms
in object relations theory (Klein), 150–152
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 34, 39–43,
60–61, 87–88, 90t, 472
defensiveness (Rogers), 302
dehumanization, 515
delay of gratification, 530, 561–563
democratic character structure, 277
denial (Rogers), 302
depreciation (Adler), 88
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 242
in social cognitive theory (Bandura), 516
depressive position (Klein), 150
deprivation of needs, 268
desacralization (Maslow), 279
descriptive research, 12
destiny, in existential psychology (May),
destructiveness (Fromm), 237–238
determinism versus free choice
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 490–491
in biological factor theory (Eysenck), 429
in cognitive social learning theory, 565
in concept of humanity, 14–15
in evolutionary theory (Buss), 454
in existential psychology (May), 350–351
in Five-Factor Theory, 405
in holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow), 288
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 253
in individual psychology (Adler), 103
in object relations theory, 168
in person-centered theory (Rogers),
in personal construct theory (Kelly), 592
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson), 225
in psychoanalytic social theory
(Horney), 194
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 67–68
in psychology of the individual (Allport),
in social cognitive theory
(Bandura), 525–526
development stages
analytical psychology (Jung), 127–130, 127f
psychosexual development stages (Freud),
psychosocial development stages (Erikson),
203–218, 217t, 221–223
diabetes, self-efficacy and, 520–521
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-5), 190–191, 303, 581
diathesis-stress model (Eysenck), 418, 420
dichotomy corollary, 576
differentiation, 157

mutual influence between personality and
conditioning, 487–489
personality impact on, 486–487
conditions of worth (Rogers), 300–301
conformity (Fromm), 238
congruence (Rogers), 301, 304–305,
conscience (Freud), 34
costs and benefits, 445t
in evolutionary theory (Buss), 442
in Five-Factor Theory, 389, 391t, 392,
399–400, 401
in analytical psychology (Jung), 110,
118, 119f
in individual psychology (Adler), 81
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 28, 30,
31 f, 32 f, 51
conscious motivation, 359
conscious versus unconscious determinants
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 492
in biological factor theory (Eysenck), 429
in cognitive social learning theory, 565
in concept of humanity, 15
in evolutionary theory (Buss), 454–455
in existential psychology (May), 351
in Five-Factor Theory, 405
in holistic-dynamic theory (Maslow), 288
in humanistic psychoanalysis (Fromm), 253
in individual psychology (Adler), 103
in object relations theory, 168
in person-centered theory (Rogers), 321
in personal construct theory (Kelly), 593
in post-Freudian theory (Erikson), 225
in psychoanalytic social theory
(Horney), 194
in psychoanalytic theory (Freud), 68
in psychology of the individual
(Allport), 380
in social cognitive theory (Bandura), 526
conservative principle, 128
consistency, 14, 80–81
consistency paradox (Mischel), 550–551,
construct validity, 16–17
constructing obstacles (Adler), 89
construction corollary (Kelly), 574
constructive alternativism (Kelly), 568,
versus concepts, 578
in personal construct theory (Kelly), 568
contact hypothesis, 372–375
continuous schedule (Skinner), 473
control group, 313
convergent validity, 16–17
coping behavior, 268
core pathology (Erikson), 203
core role (Kelly), 581
correlation coefficient, 385
cortical arousal level, 417–418
cosmology, 465
Costa, Paul T., Jr., 382–406. See also
Five-Factor Theory
biography, 388
publications, 388
Counseling and Psychotherapy (Rogers), 293
countertransference, 135, 244
covert modeling, 519
creative power (Adler), 76, 85, 101–102, 103
in behavioral analysis (Skinner), 479–480
creativeness of self-actualizing people,

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