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Iraq to resolve their differences peacefully. The two sides expressed
full support for the efforts being made by the Committee set up by
the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and the Non-Aligned
Movement to bring an end to the conflict between Iran and Iraq.
- The two sides agreed that the tensions and confrontation in
Southern Africa cannot be eliminated nor peace established with-
out the liberation of Namibia from the illegal occupation of South
Africa and the dismantling of the structure of apartheid in South
Africa. The two leaders called for total support to the decisions
taken by the Non-aligned Foreign Ministers’ meeting recently
held in Algiers in April 1981 and all UN resolutions in this regard. - The two sides noted with deep concern the deterioration in the
world economy, and disturbing trends in multilateral economic
cooperation. They regretted that the burden of adjustment has
been passed on to the developing countries. They called for an
early commencement of Global Negotiations for International
Economic Cooperation for Development and stressed the need
for concurrent efforts to achieve progress in areas of critical
importance to developing countries such as food, energy, finan-
cial- flows and trade in the forthcoming conferences and meet-
ings of specialised agencies. - The two sides emphasised the need for further strengthening of
economic and technical cooperation among developing countries
which would contribute to the development of the solidarity and
collective self-reliance of developing countries and reduce their
vulnerability to pressures from and events in developed countries.
They expressed their determination to contribute jointly with
other developing countries to the implementation of the Caracas
Programme of Action adopted by the High Level Conference on
Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries held in
May 1981. - The Indian side expressed great appreciation for the assistance
extended over the past few years by the Saudi Fund for
Development. The Saudi side assured the Indian side that this
assistance would continue to be extended on the same basis as
before to contribute towards development projects in India. - The two sides expressed satisfaction that over recent years, there
has been a significant increase in economic exchanges between
the two countries. They also agreed that in view of the rapid eco-